Studies on the Manufacture and Production of Enzyme Utilizing for Food Industry -Development of the powerful microbial pectic enzyme utilizing for the clarification of fruit juice-

식품공업(食品工業)에 이용(利用)되는 효소(酵素)의 생산(生産)과 제품화(製品化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -과즙(果汁)의 청징(淸澄)에 사용(使用)하는 강력(强力)한 미생물(微生物)펙틴분해효소(分解酵素)의 개발(開發)-

  • Chung, Man-Jae (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Chung-Buk Natioanl University)
  • 정만재 (충북대학교 농과대학 농화학과)
  • Published : 1978.04.30


Among the strains isolated form the various sources, the strain AC-12 producing a powerful pectinase was selected by the extensive screening test. The selected strain was indentified and its toxicity investigated. The conditions of the pectinase production, the characteristics of the purified enzyme and the clarification effect on the apple juice were studied. 1. The selected strain AC-12 was identified by the classification method of paper and fennel and named as Aspergillus sp. AC-12. 2. As a result of the breeding test of the white mouse, no toxicity was found from this enzyme. 3. The yield of pectinase in the medium of defatted rice bran was much better than that in the medium of wheat bran. 4. The optimum conditions for the culture of the strain in the medium of defatted rice bran were that the cultural time was 72hrs, the amount of water to be added about 80%, temperature $30{\sim}35^{\circ}C$ and pH $3.0{\sim}5.0$. 5. The yield of pectinase was slightly increased by the addition of pectin to the medium of defatted rice bran and by the addition of pectin, $NaNO_3$ and $K_2HPO_4$ to the medium of wheat bran, respectively. 6. The optimum conditions for the enzyme activity were pH $3.0{\sim}4.0$ and temperature $40{\sim}50^{\circ}C$. The enzyme was stable below $40^{\circ}C$ and pH $2.0{\sim}8.0$, respectively. But above $50^{\circ}C,$ this enzyme was abruptly inactivated. The activity was slightly increased by the addition of $MnSO_4\;and\;CuSO_4.$ 7. It was regarded that the opimum temperature for the clarification of the apple juice was $40{\sim}50^{\circ}C$, the optimum pH 3.0 and the optimun concentration of the enzyme 0.1%, and the apple juice was almost clarified by the reaction at $45^{\circ}C$ for 60 minutes.

여러 가지 재료(材料)로부터 pectinase 생산능(生産能)이 강(强)한 균주(菌株)를 검색(檢索)하고 우수균주(優秀菌株) AC-12를 1주선발(株選拔)하여 동정(同定)하고 독성시험(毒性試驗) 및 pectinase 생산조건(生産條件), 효소(酵素)의 특성(特性) 및 사과 과즙(果汁)의 청징화실험(淸澄化實驗)을 실시(實施)하고 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 선발우수균주(選拔優秀菌株)는 Raper와 Fennel의 분류방법(分類方法)에 따라 동정(同定)하였으며 Aspergillus sp. AC-12로 이름 붙였다. 2. 본효소제품(本酵素製品)은 백서(白鼠)의 사육시험(飼育試驗)에서 전연(全然) 독성(毒性)을 나타내지 않았다. 3. 탈지미당배지(脫脂米糖培地)가 밀기울 배지(培地)에 비(比)하여 pectinase의 생산량(生産量)이 현저하게 많았다. 4. 탈지미당배지(脫脂米糖培地)에서의 최적(最適) 배양시간(培養時間)은 72시간(時間), 최적(最適) 첨수량(添水量)은 80% 내외(內外), 최적(最適) 배양온도(培養溫度)는 $30{\sim}35^{\circ}C$, 최적첨수(最適添水)의 pH는 $3.0{\sim}5.0$ 이었다. 5. 탈지미당배지(脫脂米糖培地)에 pectin, 밀기울배지(培地)에 pectin, $NaNO_3$$K_2HPO_4$의 첨가(添加)는 pectinase의 생산(生産)을 약간 증가(增加)시켰다. 6. 본효소(本酵素)의 작용최적(作用最適) pH는 $3.0{\sim}4.0,$ 최적온도(最適溫度)는 $40{\sim}50^{\circ}C$, 안정(安定) pH범위(範圍)는 $2.0{\sim}8.0$이고 $40^{\circ}C$ 이하(以下)에서는 안전(安全)하나 $50^{\circ}C$ 이상(以上)에서는 급격(急擊)하게 불활성화(不活性化)되었고, $MnSO_4$$CaSO_4$의 첨가(添加)는 pectinase의 활성(活性)을 약간 증가(增加)시켰다. 7. 사과과즙의 청징화(淸澄化)에 대(對) 최적온도(最適溫度)는 $40{\sim}45^{\circ}C$ 최적(最適) pH는 3.0이었고, 사과과즙에 대한 효소제품(酵素製品)의 최적첨가농도(最適添加濃度)는 0.1%이며 $45^{\circ}C$에서 60분간(分間) 반응(反應)시켰을 때 과즙(果汁)은 거의 청징화(淸澄化)되었다.
