가공식품(加工食品)의 내열성부패균(耐熱性腐敗菌) 분포(分布) 조사연구(調査硏究) -(제(第) 1 보(報)) 지역별(地域別) 아포형성균(芽胞形成菌) 조사(調査)-

Study on Heat Resistant Putrefactive Spore Formers in Korean Soil and Processed Foods -Part 1. Survey on regional distribution of spore forming bacteria-

  • 구영조 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 신동화 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 김정옥 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 민병용 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소)
  • Koo, Young-Jo (Food Research Institute, Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Shin, Dong-Hwa (Food Research Institute, Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Kim, Choung-Ok (Food Research Institute, Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Min, Byoung-Yong (Food Research Institute, Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation)
  • 발행 : 1978.04.30


통조림 및 가열보조식품(加熱保存食品)의 부패원인(腐敗原因)인 내열성부패균(耐熱性腐敗菌)에 대(對)하여 충청남도(忠淸南道) 부여(夫餘) 등(等) 전국(全國) 8개지역(個地域)의 양송용가공공장(洋松茸加工工場)을 중심(中心)으로 양송용균상퇴비(洋松茸菌床堆肥), 복토(覆土), 원료양송용(原料洋松茸) 및 살균전(殺菌前)통조림제품(製品)에 대(對)하여 일반세균(一般細菌) 및 아포형성균(芽胞形成菌) 소장(消長)에 대(對)하여 조사(調査)하고 아포형성균(芽胞形成菌) 140 균주(菌株)를 분리(分離) 보관(保管)하였으며 이 중에서 내열성(耐熱性)이 강(强)한 아포형성균(芽胞形成菌) 9균주(菌株)를 분리선발(分離選拔), 이들에 대(對)하여 D-value와 Z-value를 구(求)하였다. 이중 가장 내열성(耐熱性)이 강(强)한 균주(菌株)는 aerobic thermophile spore former F-10(부여지방(扶餘地方) 원료양송용(原料洋松茸) 분리(分離))으로 Z=21.1F(in M/15 phosphate buffer solution), $D_{250}=6.6\;minute$ 이었다.

Heat resistant putrefactive microorganisms causing spoilage of canned and processed foods were surveyed in the compost on mushroom growing bed, casing soil, raw mushrooms and canned products before sterilization at canneries located at 8 places including Buyo in Chung-Cheung-Do and monitored the total count and spore formers from the sample taken. The 9 strains of most severe heat resistant among the selected 140 spore formers were selected and determined D and Z value by TDT method. The most strong heat resistant strain was No. F-10, facultative thermophile, which was isolated from raw mushroom in Buyo area and it's Z value was $21.1^{\circ}F$ (M/15 phosphate buffer solution) and $D^{250}$ was 6.6 min.
