Studies on the Milling of Barley, Naked-barley & Wheat

맥류(麥類)의 가공(加工)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Kim, Hi-Kap (Experiment Station, National Agricultural Products Inspection Office)
  • 김희갑 (국립농산물검사소 시험소)
  • Published : 1978.04.30


Three kinds of domestic summer grains, barley, naked-barley & wheat were used for the assessment of ash, protein, fat, crude fiber, calcium, iron & thiamine contents in the grain-pearling and flour-milling processes at the 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% yield bases and the following results were obtained. 1) Ash, protein, fat, crude fiber, calcium, iron & thiamine contents of milled grains were proportional to the milling yield in grain-pearling and flour-milling processes. 2) In the case of pearled barley, the average content of ash was 0.83%, protein was 1.31%, fat was 0.40%, crude fiber was 0.75%, calcium was 3.03mg%, iron was 2.40mg% and thiamine was 0.14% lower than the barley flour at the same level of milling yield. 3) In the case of pearled naked-barley, the average content of ash was 0.41%, protein was 1.96%, fat was is 0.33%, crude fiber was 0.84%, calcium was 4.54mg%, iron was 1.19mg% and thiamine was 0.10mg% lower than the naked-barley flour at the same level of milling yield. 4) In the case of pearled wheat, the average content of ash was 0.28%, protein was 2.25%, fat was 0.05%, crude fiber was 0.25%, calcium was 4.31mg%, iron was 0.12mg% and thiamine was 0.15mg% higher than the wheat flour at the same level of milling yield.

보리, 쌀보리, 밀등 3종(種)의 국산맥류(國産麥類)를 공시(公試)하여 도정(搗精)과 제분(製粉)의 두가지 가공방법(加工方法)으로 가공수율(加工收率) 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%의 네 수준(水準)으로 나누어 회분(灰分), 단백질(蛋白質), 지질(脂質) 섬유질(纖維質), Calcium, 철분(鐵分), Thiamine등의 함유율(含有率)을 분석(分析) 조사(調査)하였던바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1) 가공(加工)된 곡물(穀物)의 회분(灰分), 단백질(蛋白質), 지질(脂質), 섬유질(纖維質), Calcium, 철분(鐵分), Thiamine등의 함유율(含油率)은 도정(搗精)의 경우 제분(製粉)의 경우에 다 같이 가공수율(加工收率)과 정비례관계(正比例關係)에 있었다. 2) 겉보리에서는 도정(搗精)한 것이 제분(製粉)한 것에 비(比)해 평균적(平均的)으로 동일(同一)한 가공수율(加工收率)에서 회분(灰分)은 0.83%, 단백질(蛋白質)은 1.31%, 지질(脂質)은 0.40%, 섬유질(纖維質)은 0.75%, Calcium은 3.03mg%, 철분(鐵分)은 2.40mg%, Thiamine은 0.14mg%가 낮았다. 3) 쌀보리에서는 도정(搗精)한 것이 제분(製粉)한 것에 비(比)해 평균적(平均的)으로 동일(同一)한 가공수율(加工收率)에서 회분(灰分)은 0.41%, 단백질(蛋白質)은 1.96%, 지질(脂質)은 0.33%, 섬유질(纖維質)은 0.84%, Calcium은 4.54mg%, 철분(鐵分)은 1.19mg%, Thiamine은 0.10mg%가 낮았다. 4) 밀에서는 도정(搗精)한 것이 제분(製粉)한 것에 비(比)해 평균적(平均的)으로 동일(同一)한 가공수율(加工收率)에서 회분(灰分)은 0.28%, 단백질(蛋白質)은 2.25%, 지질(脂質)은 0.05%, 섬유질(纖維質)은 0.25%, Calcium은 4.31mg%, 철분(鐵分)은 0.12mg%, Thiamine은 0.15mg%가 높았다.
