Elder Berry이용(利用)에 관한 연구(硏究) -제1보(第一報) Elder Berry 열매의 유지자원(油脂資源)으로서의 이용성(利用性)에 관하여 -

Studies on Elder Berry Utilization - Part 1. Experiments on the Utilization of Elder Berry Fruit as Oil Resources -

  • 신응태 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 박광훈 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 민병용 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소) ;
  • 서기봉 (농어촌개발공사 식품연구소)
  • Shin, Eung-Tae (Food Research Institute, Agriculture & Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Park, Kwang-Hoon (Food Research Institute, Agriculture & Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Min, Byong-Yong (Food Research Institute, Agriculture & Fishery Development Corporation) ;
  • Suh, Kee-Bong (Food Research Institute, Agriculture & Fishery Development Corporation)
  • 발행 : 1978.12.30


1. 엘더베리 열매의 일반분석결과(一般分析結果) 조지방(粗脂肪) $1.56{\sim}2.50%$, 조단백질(粗蛋白質) $2.50{\sim}6.10%$ 조회분(粗灰分) $0.7{\sim}1.3%$ pectin 0.73%로서 열매는 $6{\sim}7%$의 씨를 합유(合有)하고 있었다. 2. 엘더베리기름 중(中) hot pressed oil은 참기름과 맛, 향(香)이 비슷하였고 cold pressed oil은 올리브기름과 향(香), 색(色)이 비슷하였으며 비중(比重) $0.915{\sim}0.925$로서 씨로부터 $26.18{\sim}26.55%$의 수율(收率)로 얻어졌다. 3. 엘더베리기름은 필수지방산(必須脂肪酸)이 다량함유(多量含有)된 기름이었고 추출박(抽出粕)은 조단백질(粗蛋白質)이 $12.65{\sim}18.66%$를 함유(含有)하고 있어 가축사료중(家畜飼料中) 농후사료(濃厚飼料)로 사용가능(使用可能)할 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

This experiment was carried out to study the characteristics and composition of the oil extracted from elder berry seeds. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The elder berry fruits are composed of $1.56%{\sim}2.50%$ crude lipid, $2.50{\sim}6.10%$ crude protein, $0.7{\sim}1.3%$ crude ash, 0.73% pectin and the fresh whole fruits bore $6{\sim}7%$ of its seeds on weight basis. 2. The hot pressed oil had similar flavor and taste to sesame oil, and cold, pressed one, to olive oil. Its iodine value ranged $95{\sim}110$, and its oil extraction rate from seed $26.18{\sim}26.55%$. 3. The elder berry seed oil contained a high level of essential fatty acids, and the oil seed cakes, $12.65{\sim}18.65%$ of crude protein. These may be utilized as concentrated fodder for livestock.
