Archives of Pharmacal Research
- Volume 1 Issue 1
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- Pages.13-20
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- 1978
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- 0253-6269(pISSN)
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- 1976-3786(eISSN)
A survey of the response of Korean medicinal plants on drug metabolism
- Woo, Won-Sick (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
Shin, Kuk-Hyun
(Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
- Kim, In-Chull (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
- Lee, Chung-Kyu (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1978.12.01
Alcohol extracts of plants widely used in the traditional medicine have been tested to establish if they affect the metabolism of drug in mice. Forteen of the plants tested exhibited prolonging and/or inhibitory effect on hexobarbital sleeping time. Some of them also showed increasing effect on strychnine mortality, whereas piperis retrofracti Fructus reduced the toxicity of strychnine.