소리자극에 대한 멸치의 반응

Response of Anchovy to Artificial Sounds

  • 발행 : 1978.06.01


漁類의 食餌音, 游泳音 또는 低周波의 純音을 水中에 放音하여 漁類를 誘集하는데 成功하였다는 報告는 最近에 많이 發表되고 있다. 반대로 天敵이 내는 소리, 人工的으로 내는 소리의 剌戟으로 漁類의 驅集劾果을 내기 위한 연구는 희소하다. 末廣(1960)는 고기를 묵적한 장소에 쫓아 보내기 위해 대나무 장대로 水面을 두들겨서 고기를 그물속으로 쫓아 넣을 수 있다고 보고 했다. 또 寶際 韓國의 權現網漁業에서 2集의 網船이 曳網하여 曳網終期가 되면 날개부분에 있는 멸치는 자루쪽으로 후려넣기 위하여 漁艇에서 뱃삼, 드럼통, 꽹과리 등을 두들긴다. 저자는 본 실험에서 이것을 驅集劾果를 測定하여 보다 劾果的인 方法을 糾明하기 위하여 이들 소리의 音源에서 1m 떨어진 거리에서 指示騷音計로 音歷準位를 測定하면서 하고 그 錄音된 소리를 水中擴聲器를 통하여 無響水糟속의 멸치에게 放음했으며, 이들 소리가 명치를 驅集하는데 어느 정도 有效한가를 알기 위하여 멸치의 反應을 調査하였다.

When fisherman use the boat seine net to catch anchovy, a large noise (drum can, small drum and small gong) is used to scare the anchovy school along the wing nets, and into the bag net were they are caught. We want to know how much of an effect these s:mnds have on forceing the anchovy school towards the bag net. The underwater sounds of ancho\'y, drum can, small drum and small gong were analyzed in the labroatory. The behavioral responeses to the playback sounds of anchovy feeding and sounds of artificial instruments were also investigated. The feeding and artificial sounds of the samples were recorded by a tape recorder through a hydrophone in an anechoic aquarium. The sound intensity level was measured by means of a sound level meter in an anechoic chamber. The frequency and intensity of various sounds were analyzed with an analyzing system consisting of a ~-octave filter set, a high speed level recorder, an amplifier and an oscilloscope. The most successful recording was edited into a 9 to 10 second sound track and was repeated in a sequence of 9 to 10 second intervals. The sequence was then reproduced into an anechoic aquarium through the underwater speaker. The results of investigation are as follows; 1. The frequency of the feeding sound was 63~80Hz, and the pressure level produced was less than 32db. 2. The frequencies of the artificial sounds were 315~ 1,OOOHz, and the pressure levels were 88~95 db in the air. 3. When a hydrophone was placed 70cm below the surface with artificial sounds (drum can, small drum and small gong) produced 1 meter above the surface, the pressure level decreased about 30db. 4. The feeding sound was ineffective in attracting the anchovy, because of interference from ambient noise. 5. The artificial sounds had such a small effect on the anchovy's that they could not be used in ocean fisheries.
