Petrology and Petrochemistry of Pajoo Acidic Igneous pluton

파주(波州) 산성화성암체(酸性火成岩體)의 암석학적(岩石學的) 연구(硏究)

  • Oh, Mihn Soo (Korea Research Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
  • Published : 1978.03.31


The study is on petrology and petrochemistry of Pajoo Acidic Igneous pluton which intruded into Precambrian metasediments of basement of the area. The geologic sequence of studied area was shown in table 1 and 10 modal analyses and 7 chemical analyses on the rock samples taken from the body. Pajoo Acidic Igneous rock consist of hypersthene-quartz-diorite and porphyritic adamellite which based on the classification of the subcommision on systematics of igneous rocks of IUGS. And porphyritic adamellite which occured as a small stock was intruded into hypersthene quartz diorite. The rock forming minerals of hypersthene quartz diorite are composed of plagioclase, perthite, quartz, hypersthene, hornblende, biotite and porphyritic adamellite is composed of perthite, quartz, plagioclase and biotite. And the former is hypidiomorphic granular texture and later is porphyritic texture with microcline phenocrysts. In silica-oxides variation diagram, the Pajoo acidic igneous rocks are similar to the trend of Daly's average composition and equivalent to the calc-alkalic rock series. In AMF diagram, these rocks are stock of fissure filling vein type by cooling in magmatic differentiation.
