대동맥판막 폐쇄부전증을 동반한 심실중격결손증 -7례 보고-

Ventricular Septal Defect with Aortic Insufficiency: A Report of 7 Cases

  • 발행 : 1979.03.01


The development of aortic insufficiency radically alters the physical findings which are generally associated with ventricular septal defect that was not hemodynamically significant, and the combination of the two lesions produces a typical clinical picture, that may be serious and life-threatening when it is left untreated. Therefore, the selection of patients, type and timing of surgical treatment is considered to be important. Among 114 cases of ventricular septal defect treated surgically utilizing cardiopulmonary bypass in the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, 7 cases were associated with aortic insufficiency. 1. Five cases were male, and 2 cases were female. Ages were from 4 years to 24 years, and mean age was 11.9 years. 2. In all cases, ventricular septal defect was closed with Teflon patch. In a case, a aortic valvuloplasty and in another, a aortic valve replacement with Hancock valve 23 mm., 5 months after the closure of ventricular septal defect were done. 3. Four cases were type I ventricular septal defect by Kirklin`s classification, 3 cases were type II ventricular septal defect, and diameters of ventricular septal defect were from 3.5 cm. to 0.7 cm. A PDA. was combined to a type I ventricular septal defect. 4. In 5 cases, herniation of the aortic cusp through the ventricular septal defect and in a case, annulus dilatation on the aortic valve was noted. 5. Two cases with type I ventricular septal defect and severe pulmonary hypertension expired. A re-opened case with type II ventricular septal defect expired. 6. Four cases were alive, and all of them show decrease of pulse pressure and aortic insufficiency.
