Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 6
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- Pages.141-158
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- 1979
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
The Editions of the Hsin-Ching-Fu-Chu with the Postscripts of Toegye, published between 16th and 17th Centuries.
십육세기.십칠세기 간행 "심경부주" 유후논본의 판본-퇴계서지의 연구 기사
This is a bibliographical study of the editions of the Hsin-Ching-Fu-Chu published between 16th and 17th centuries, together with the postscript written by Yi-Hwang. For this research, 14 kinds of the editions are studied, the results of which are analyzed as follows; (1) The publishing date: 2kinds of the editions are published before 1969, and 12 kinds after 1569 when Yi-Hwng died. (2) The method of publishing: 2 kinds were printed by movable types, the others by block-plates. (3) The publishing place: 12 kinds were put out in Korea, and 2 kinds in Japan. The publishing places of 6 kinds of Korean editions are known. They are Muncheon-Gun, Gyoseokwan, etc.., For other 6 kinds of Korean editions, the publishing places are unknown. (4) 6 kinds of editions were printed in the double-border-line style, and consisted of 10 lines, each line having 17 characters. Such forms are regarded as the traces of the printing style of Gyoseokwan. One kind of editions was printed with single-border-line.