Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 6
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- Pages.159-185
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- 1979
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
정보전달 매체로서의 과학저어널의 문제점과 그 개선책
The dissemination of scientific information in Society involves interactions among a number of publics and many kinds of information channels. There is a need for examining the the entire process of information dissemination for the solving many problems which scientific many problems which scientific communication is now confronted with, This paper is an attempt to identify the functions of a scientific journal as one of major inf. transfer media, to clarify the problems in performing the functions, and to synthesize various on-going efforts toward the improvement and solution of such problems. Some conclusions derived from this study are as follows; (1) a scientific journal was, is and will be the valuable primary source for the recording and controlling scientific in formation which plays a role as a main energy source in the scientific activities. (2) Traditional built-in delays involved in the communication by a scientific journal should be improved by way of some new methods and techniques such as, of establishing a publishing center, controlling vocabularies in the scientific papers, distributing pre-publication materials, etc. (3) There should be a organized special committe for scientific communication for the assuming the responsibilities of educating, planning and carrying out activities relating to scientific information. (4) To improve the function of a scientific journal as information transfer media, other informal primary media such as report, preprint, etc, and secondary media such as abstracts and indexes should be studied which will result in the clarification of unigue functions, and advantages and disadvantages of each media. as an information dissemination media. (5) Each government should pay attention to the national information system as a changing social system and should recognize the gap in speed between technological development and the change of a social system Technological development should be made a contribution to the improvement of social system.