농촌지역(農村地域) 주민(住民)에 빈발(頻發)하는 주소(主訴)를 중심(中心)으로 한 질병분류(疾病分類)

Classification of Frequently Occurring Disease by Chief Camplaints in Rural Area

  • 강승원 (경북대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • Kang, Seung-Won (Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 1979.10.01


군위군(軍威郡) 4개면(個面)에서 4,559명(名)을 대상(對象)으로 하여 최근(最近) 2주간에 발생한 질병(疾病)을 주소(主訴)를 중심(中心)으로 질병(疾病)을 분류(分類)하였다. 이 기간(期間)에 발생(發生)한 질병발생률(疾病發生率)은 급성질환(急性疾患)과 만성질환(慢性疾患)을 합쳐서 22.5%였고 이중 호흡기질환(呼吸器疾患)이 36.5%, 소화기질환(消化器疾患)이 18%, 외상(外傷)이 8%, 신경계 질환(疾患)이 7.5 %로 나타났다. 호흡기(呼吸器) 질환(疾患)에서는 감기가 33.2 %, 상기도감염(上氣道感染)이 25.1 %, Iifluenza 7.3 %로 치료용역(治療容易)한 질환(疾患)이 많았다. 소화기질환(消化器疾患)에서는 위염(胃炎)이 26.4%, 위궤양(胃潰瘍)이 36.4 %, 장염(腸炎)이 13.6%. 식중독(食中毒)이 7.1 % 순(順)으로 나타났다. 그외 외상(外傷)에서는 찰과상(擦過傷)이 60 %, 피부과질환(皮膚科疾患)에서는 접촉성피부염(接 性皮膚炎)이 65 %, 신경계질환(神 系疾患)에서는 요통이 67 %, 이비인후과(耳鼻咽喉科) 질환(疾患)에서는 편도선염이 35 %, 순환기질환(循環器疾患)에서는 고혈압(高血壓)이 83%등 비교적(比較的) 치유용역(治癒容易)한 질병(疾病)이 많이 발생(發生)하고 있었다. 농촌질병(農村疾病)의 요원별(要員別) 진료한계(診療限界)는 진료보조원(診療補助員)이 42.1 %, 보건진료원(保健診療員)이 70.0 %, 일반의가 97.5%정도 진료(診療)할 수 있다고 나타났다.

In Korea, the regional differences of medical facilities and man-powers are very serious recently. in order to solve rural medical problem, the comprehensive health care service is required earnestly in rural area. The present study was performed to provide the material for rural medical policy by analyzing the diseases occurring frequently in rural area and assuming the paramedical workers' abilities of medical treatment. The frequently by occurring diseases were classified by investigating. The chief complaints of 4559 subjects through home visiting for last weeks occurred in 1978. The paramedical workers' abilities of medical treatment were investigated by analyzing the clinical charts of patients treated by paramedical workers by systemic health care delivery system from, September 1977 to December 1977. The results obtained are summarized as fellows; 1. The rate of disease suffering recently for 2 weeks was 22.5% in Rural area. 2. The rate of respiratory disease was 36.%, gastrointestinal disease 18%, trauma 8% and neuromuscular disease 7.5%, respectively. 3. The coverage of treatment by health workers was 97.6% in general practitioner, 70% in community health practitioner and 42.1% in community health aid, respectively.
