Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 7
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- Pages.1-55
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- 1980
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
학교도서관 발전의 저해요인에 관한 실증적 고찰 -일학교장의 학교도서관에대한 인식을 중심으로-
It has been observed that the purpose of education is poorly coordinated with the school library. Consequently a healthy growth of the library has been very rare, and educational process has been rather inefficient. Therefore this study attempts to define the role of a school library and the necessasity of its growth, examine principals' concepts of the library, find out the adverse causes for its growth, and make some suggestions to rectify them. A questionnaire was designed to get information on the principals' conceptions about the nature and the role of a school library, a librarian, and adverse causes for the growth of the library. This study is largely based on the analysis of this questionnaire. The results of this study may be summarized as. follows: 1) The school library is not generally considered as the center of educational activities. It is rather variously regarded as a subsidiary organization for education, a place where reading materials are offered, a place where books are kept, or a reading room. 2) This was largely due to the misconceptions of the principals as to the true nature and the role of the school library. 3) The degrees of their misconceptions varied depending on the amount of their exposure to the library science. Those principals who studied library science more hours had better understanding of the library. 4) Although the principals showed rather much concern for the library, the school library was not up to the expectation largely due to their misconception of it. 5) Most of the principals felt that they needed more knowledge on library science to carry out their job. This feeling was stronger for those who spent more hours in a library science course. 6) Most of the principals wanted to offer a position for a dual function: a librarian and a teacher. This was largely due to their lack of knowledge as to the duties of a librarian-which were considered as secondary to the duties of a teacher. 7) The majority of the principals thought the librarians were not paid well enough, but some of the principals o n.0, pposed their pay raise. The former generally took more courses in library science than the latter. 8) Many principals agreed that the adverse causes for the growth of the school library originated from the regional or governmental school authorities. This seemed to indicate that the legal requirements for the library were inadequate and that there was no administrative organization to take care of the library. 9) Most of the principals considered the insufficient funds as the major reason for the present poor condition of the library. But considering the fact that some libraries are better equi n.0, pped that others, financial matter cannot be the deciding factor. It rather seemed that there is some serious problems in the current educational system. For further studies in this field and for the libraries to function properly, the following suggestions are made here: 1) The major adverse cause for the healthy growth of the school library was found in the misconceptions on the school library by the principals, and these misconceptions were largely due to their lack of knowledge. Therefore they should be given more o n.0, pportunities to take courses in library science. 2) The librarian should not be overburdened with other duties than what his job duly calls for, and they should be properly compensated for their own job. They should also be encouraged to grow as librarians. 3) Education itself should be improved so that the library becomes the center of learning. 4) An administrative department should be created to oversee the school libraries, and legal measures should be enacted for better school libraries. 5) Financial su n.0, pport should be provided for a period of time in order to upgrade the school library to a certain level. Finally it is strongly felt that more detailed and inclusive studies in this field should be carried on and further experimental studies should be done.