남한의 산림생태계에 있어서의 낙엽의 분해모델

A Model for Litter Decomposition of the Forest Ecosystem in South Korea

  • 발행 : 1981.03.01


The present investigation was estimated the effect of temperature, precipitatiion, and time on the decomposition of litters with litter bags of Pinus densiffora and Quercus mongolica at Gure where elevation in 50m, and at Nogodan where elevation in 1300m on Mt. Jiri. As the above results, decomposition model was proposed to relation of the environmental conditions. And was investigated the production and decomposition of litters from the stands of various forest communities in Kwangneung, Mt. Jiri and Mt. Halla. The results are as follows; The models for the decay of organic carbon (C) was as follows: $C=Coe^{-Kt}$ (limiting factor;time) $C=Coe^{-K'te}$ (limiting factor;tempedrature) $C=Coe^{-KnP}$ (limiting factor:precipitation) As observed in litter bag method, the decomposition rate of litter in Pinus densiflora was slower than that of Quercus mongolica. The higher elevation, the slower decomposition rate. The decomposition of litters at Gure where elevation in 50m was equally influenced by temperature and precipitation. But at Nogodan where elevation in 1300m was much inflenced by precipitation. The decay constant of litters was larger in hardwood forest than in coniferous forest. In the same species, the more elevatiion, the less decomposition constant. The time required for the decay of 50%, 95^, 99% of the accumulated litters in the forest floor were faster in hardwood forest than in coniferous forest. In the same species, the higher elevatiion, the longer time required.
