A Survey of Nutritional Status on Pre-school Children in Korea

취학전(就學前) 아동(兒童)의 영양실태조사(營養實態調査)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • 최경순 (속초전문대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1982.12.30


The nutrition intake status of one hundred pre-school children, 5-year-old boys and girls, in Sok-Cho was surveyed. Subjects had two and half brothers and sisters. Breast-fed boys and girls were 48% and 40%, respectively. At the age of Six months, 70% of Subjects were Weaned. Percentage of total income spent for foods was $30{\sim}39%$. A varying number of foods were selected from 40 items. The food which children likeed best was fruit and icecream. Selected as liked food were straw berry, orange, apple, icecream, peach, grape, chocolate, youghurt and milk. Disliked foods were ginger, green onions, garlic, mushrooms and boiled rice mixed with orther cereals. Items which children have taken never before were kidney, slices of raw meat, liver, lotus rhizome and frech water fish. Insufficient caloric intakes were shown comprising 69~70% daily recommended dietary allowences for boys and girls. The total caloric intakes was composed of carbohydrate 65%, protein 11% and fat 23%, respectively. The cereal consumption was the highest (32.8%). There was a significant relationship (P<0.05) between the mother's knowledge on nutrition and the calorie. protein and calcium intake of boys. There was a significant relationship (P<0.05) between the mother's knowledge on nutrition and the caloric intake of girls.

(1) 열량(熱量)및 모든 영양소(營養素)를 1일(日) 섭취량(攝取量)과 권장량(勸奬量)를 비교(比較)할때 열량(熱量)에서 남(男)68.7%, 여(女)70.0% ca에서 여(女) 78.3%로 섭취율(攝取率)이 낮았고 다른 영양소(營養素)는 권장량(勸奬量)보다 높은 비율(比率)로 섭취(攝取)하고 있었다. (2) 탄수화물(炭水化物), 지방(脂肪), 단백질(蛋白質)의 비율(比率)은 남(男)64 : 11 : 24, 여(女)66 : 11 : 23이었다. (3) 식품섭취(食品攝取)는 동물성(動物性)보다 식물성섭취(植物性攝取)가 높았고 곡류(穀類)및 서류(薯類)의 섭취(攝取)가 32.8%로 가장 높았다. (4) 어머니의 영양지식(營養知識)과 영양소섭취량(營養素攝取量)과의 관계(關係)는 남(男)의 경우 열량(熱量), 단백질(蛋白質), Ca와 여아(女兒)의 경우 열량섭취(熱量攝取)에서 유의적인 차이(差異)를 보여주어 영양지식(營養知識)이 높을수록 높은 함량(熱量)을 섭취(攝取)하고 있음을 알 수 있다.
