Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 9
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- Pages.33-61
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- 1982
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Study on the university library instruction
대학도서관 이용교육에 관한 소고
It is an established fact that the university library is an important element in the higher education system. To keep abreast with the changing social environment industrial development and explosive increase of knowledge, the university library must also find new a n.0, pproaches to better serve the users in the university community. Also, on the part of university faculty, instructional methods must be improved from text book oriented education toward assignment oriented education. To facilitate effective teaching, the role of university library and its efficient use has become more important and indispensable. The objective of this study was to review the literature, and to find out current practice among students and professional librarians on the library instruction in order to find ways to strengthen and improve it. A specially designed questionnaire was used to survey current status. Results of the survey are summarized as follows; (1) Most university students received some guidance on library utilization as part of their freshman orientation program. However, it is found that the elementary nature of the guidance program was insufficient for their subsequent actual attempt to use. Students are not familiar with library organization, search procedure, and they lack basic knowledge on library service available to them. (2) Problem areas related to library instruction are insufficient amount of time allocated for the guidance program, big size of orientation program, and lack of interest on the part of students, etc. It is therefore recommended that the above mentioned problem areas be overcome through cooperative and concerted efforts among faculty members, professional librarians, and the university administration by increasing library instruction hours, improving the contents of program in its scope and depth to be practically useful. To sum up, the lecture oriented education should be shifted toward library oriented education by improved instruction program on library use.