하수중 장내세균에 대한 태양광선 및 포식미생물의 살균효과

Effects of sunlight and predacious microorganisms on survival of enteric bacteria in sewage water

  • 최경화 (충북대학교 자연대 생물학과) ;
  • 정혜경 (충북대학교 자연대 생물학과) ;
  • 김치경 (충북대학교 자연대 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1982.03.01


The disinfection effects of sunlight and predacious microorganisms on enteria of Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris were examined in sewage water at 22 to $26^{\circ}C$. The test prganisms were disinfected by 4 to 5 logs during 6-hour a day exposure to sunlight for seven days. The effect was proportional to the light intensity and was proved to be dur to the action of the visible light of short wavelength which can transmit the soft glass of a flask glass. The predacious microorganisms decreased trhe test organisms by about 3 to 4 logs during 7 days. The complex actions of sunlight and predacious microorganisms were variable depending upon the test organisms, but the total effects of those enviromental factors were yet completely understood.
