Studies on the Antifungal Antibiotics Produced by a Streptomyces sp. (Part 1) Selection of the Antibiotics Producing Organism and Isolation of the Antibiotics

Streptomyces sp. 가 생산하는 항진균성 항생물질에 관한 연구(제 1 보) 생산균주의 선별과 항진균성 항생물질의 분리정제

  • Bae, Moo (Applied Microbiology Laboratory, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Ko, Young-Hee (Applied Microbiology Laboratory, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 배무 (한국과학기술원 응용미생물연구실) ;
  • 고영희 (한국과학기술원 응용미생물연구실)
  • Published : 1982.03.01


The work has been carried out for the development of antifungal antibiotics possessing curative effect in the control of sheath blight disease of rice plant. Soil samples were collected from over 1600 spots throughout the country. More than 1300 specimens which seem to be the genus Streptomyces were isolated from the soil samples. Screening procedures consist of respective processes by four steps. Those are growth inhibition test in liquid culture, paper disk method, dendroid test and green house test. 102 isolates appeared to be active against Pellicularia sasakii when all specimens isolated were examined by the first growth inhibition test. Finally a strain of Streptomyces forming strong antifungal substances against P. sasakii was selected from a soil sample of Mt. Soyo, Kyeongi Province. Antifungal substances formed by the strain were isolated and purified from the culture broth and examined for antimicrobial activities as to be specific against fungi but not active on bacterial growth.

벼 교엽병 방제를 위한 새로운 항진균성 항물질을 개발하기 위하여 우리나라 전국 각지역에서 임의로 채취한 1600여점의 토양시료에서 방선균 1300여주를 분리하고 액침배양법, Denroid test, green house test 등으로 벼에 대한 생리독성이 없으면서 벼 교엽병에 치료효과를 나타내는 방선균 1주를 소요산 부근의 토양시료에서 분리, 선정하였다. 분러선정균의 배양액에서 항진균성 항생물로서 연한 황색의 무정형 분말과 백색침상결정의 두가지를 분리, 정제하였다.
