유산균발효에 관한 동력학적연구(제4보) -연속배양에 있어서의 동력학적연구-

Kinetic Studies of Lactic Acid Fermentation(Part 4) -Kinetic Stuies on Continuous Cultivation-

  • 이근태 (부산수산대학 식품공학과) ;
  • 양현석 (부산수산대학 식품공학과)
  • LEE Keun-Tai (Department of Food Science and Technology, National Fisheries University of Busan) ;
  • YANG Hyeun-Suk (Department of Food Science and Technology, National Fisheries University of Busan)
  • 발행 : 1982.08.01


Lartobacillus bulgricus를 glucose를 제한기질로 하는 합성배지에서 연속배양한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 본 실험 model은 Monod의 chemostat 이론을 적용시킬 수 있다. 2. 본 실험 model에서의 최대 cell production rate는 $0.178 g/1{\cdot}hr$로서 회석율 $0.414hr^{-1}$ 일 때이다. 3. 연속배양 결과 saturation constant($K_s$)는 7.69g/l, 최대비증식속도$(V_{max})$$0.62hr^{-1}$ 이었다. 4. wash out 현상은 $0.51hr^{-1}$에서 일어났으며cell yield coefficient는 0.016g/l 이었다.

The behavior of continuous flow culture of Lartobacillus bulgricus was investigated by application of Monod's kinetic model. The parameters obtained from Monod's chemostat theory successfully predicted the behavior of the chemostat. Then, it was found that Monod's kinetics were applicable to the growth rate dependence on glucose concentration. Under steady-state condition, the maximum growth rate, saturation constant, and wash out were found to be 0.62/hr, 7.69 g/1, 0.51/hr of continuous culture. And the optimum condition for the highest cell production was 0.41/hr in dilution rate, and at that point the cell production rate was 0.178g/1 hr.
