Effects of Application Levels of Fertilizer on the Susceptibility to Bacterial Leaf Blight, Yield and Quality of Grains in Nineteen Rice Cultivars in Jeonnam Region

전남지방에 있어서 시비수준이 벼 품종별 백엽고병 감수성과 수량 및 미질에 미치는 영향

  • Cha K.H. (Jeonnam Privincial Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Kim Y.S. (Jeonnam Privincial Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Kim H.J. (Jeonnam Privincial Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Lee D.K (Jeonnam Privincial Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Kim M.S. (Institute of Agricultural Science, O.R.D.)
  • Published : 1982.12.01


This experiment was conducted in Jeonnam to investigate the effects of fertilizer amounts at two application levels on disease severity of bacterial leaf blight, yield and qualify of rice grains using nineteen rice cultivars. Incidence of bacterial leaf blight was more severe in the field with higher amount of fertilizer application. Disease severity was also different depending upon maturity of rice cultivars of early maturing group, however, the flag, second and third leaves were diseased in rice cultivars of medium late maturing group. Such differences were more obvious in the field with higher amount of fertilizer application than in the field with ordinary fertilizer application. Rice cultivars such as Taebaegbyeo, Hangangchalbyeo, Baegunchalbyeo, Palgwangbyeo and Milyang 42 were resistant whereas rice cultivars such as Milyang 30, Geumgangbyeo, Nagdongbyeo and Jinjubyeo were susceptible to bacterial leaf blight in both treatments. However, fertilization rate and percentage of ripeness were decreased resulting in heavy loss of yield. The rate of green-kerneled rice was increased resulting in poor qualify.

시험은 흰빛잎마름병의 품종별 감수성과 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명코자 시비량을 보비재배와 다비재배로 구분하여 전남지역에서 수행 되었다. 흰빛잎마름병은 발생은 다비조건에서 심했으며 심한 발병은 수도 품종들의 등숙에 영향을 주어 수량 감수를 초래하였고 청미율은 품질을 저하 시켰다. 또한 조생계품종에서는 지엽과 차엽이 발병되었지만 중, 만생계품종에서는 지, 차, 삼엽이 발병되었다. 이러한 차이는 보비조건에서 보다 다비조건에서 더욱 뚜렷하였다. 이 병에 대한 저항성품종은 태백벼, 백운찰벼, 팔공벼, 밀양 42호이었고 밀양 30호, 금강벼, 낙동벼, 진주벼는 감수성이었으며 이러한 경향은 시비 수준간에 같은 경향이었다.
