식물유(植物油)의 Triglyceride조성(組成)에 관한 연구(硏究) -제3보(第3報) : 올리브기름의 Triglyceride조성(組成)-

Studies on the Triglyceride Composition of some Vegetable Oils -III. Triglyceride Composition of Olive Oil-

  • 최수안 (부산교육대학 과학교육과) ;
  • 박영호 (부산수산대학 식품공학과)
  • Choi, Su-An (Dept. of Scientific Education, Busan Teachers College) ;
  • Park, Yeung-Ho (Dept of Food Science and Technology, National Fisheries University of Busan)
  • 발행 : 1983.01.01


올리브기름의 트리-글리세리드조성(組成)을 구명(究明)하기 위하여, 시료유(試料油)를 TLC에 의하여, 트리-글리세리드를 분리(分離)하고, 분리(分離)한 트리-글리세리드 HPLC에 의하여 PN별(別)로 4군(群)으로 분획(分劃)하였으며, 각 획분(劃分)을 분취(分取)하여 GLC에 의하여 acyl탄소수별(炭素數別)로 분획(分劃)하였다. 또 PN별(別) 획분(劃分)은 GLC로 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成)을 분석(分析)하였다. 올리브기름에 있어서 주(主)로 PN48에 acyl탄소(炭素) C-52 및 C-54가 높은 비율(比率)로 함유되어 있으며, 지방산(脂肪酸)은 C18 : 1 및 C18 : 2가 주요성분(主要成分)으로 구성(構成)되여 있었다. 시료유(試料油)의 주요(主要) 트리-글리세리드를 들면 다음과 같다. $(3{\times}C18:1;50.46%),\;(1{\times}C16:0,\;2{\times}C18:1;23.51%)$ $(2{\times}C18:1,\;1{\times}C18:2;5.48%),\;(1{\times}C18:0,\;2{\times}C18:1;4.55%)$ $(1{\times}C16:0,\;1{\times}C18:1,\;1{\times}C18:2;2.94%)\;(2{\times}C16:0,\;1{\times}C18:1;2.35%)$ $(1{\times}C16:1,\;2{\times}C18:1;2.21%),\;(1{\times}C18:1,\;2{\times}C18:2;1.06%)$, 및 $(1{\times}C14:0,\;2{\times}C18:1;1.03%)$이였다.

Triglyceride fraction was separated from olive oil by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and fractionated into four groups by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Compositions of the triglycerides and fatty acids of four fractions were determined by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The olive oil contained higher concentrations of C-52 and C-54 triglycerides having partition numbers of 48. The fatty acid compositions of these triglycerides were mainly composed of C18:1 and C18:2 fatty acids. From these results, the possible fatty acid combinations of major triglycerides of olive oil were estimated to be(3C18:1;50.6%), (1C16:0, 2C18:1;23.51%), (2C18:1, 1C18:2;5.48%), (1C18:0, 2 18:1;4.55%), (1C16:0, 1C18:1, 1C18:2;2.94%), (2C16:0, 1C18:1;2.35%), (1 C16:1, 2 C18:1;2.21%), (1C18:1, 2C18:2;1.06%), (1 C14:0, 2 C18:1;1.03%).
