한국산(韓國産) 밀품종(品種)"조광"의 물리적(物理的) 성질(性質)과 전밀빵 제조(製造)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on Rheological Properties of Dough and Whole Wheat Bread-Baking Test of Wheat Variety 'Cho-Kwang'

  • 이철 (고려대학교 식품공학과)
  • Rhee, Chul (Dept. of Food Technology, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1983.01.01


본(本) 연구(硏究)에서는 제분(製紛)된 밀을 입도별(別), 즉 wheat shorts, grits, 및 flour(粉) 등(等)으로 분리(分離)하여, 그들의 물리적(物理的) 성질(性質)을 조사(調査)하였으며, 더불어 입도의 크기가 전밀빵(whole wheat bread)의 부피에 미치는 영향(影響)을 검토(檢討)하였다. 시료(試料)로는 한국산(韓國産) 밀품종(品種)인 ${\ulcorner}$조광${\lrcorner}$을 사용(使用)하였다. 제분(製粉)된 밀의 조회분 및 조단백질의 함량(含量)은 각각 2.3% 및 13.7%이었다. wheat shorts, wheat grits 및 wheat flour의 믹소그라프 높이(mixograph peak-height)는 각각 4.8, 5.6 및 7.3이었으며 Fraction 1(직경 : 0.2mm이하)의 반죽의 안정도(dough stability)는 100mesh이하의 밀가루에 크게 뒤떨어지지 않았다. 제빵 실험(實驗) 결과(結果)로 보아 제분(製粉)된 밀 가운데 직경 $0.2{\sim}0.5mm$ 크기의 wheat grits가 전밀빵을 제조(製造)하는 데 한계(限界) 입도된 듯 하며, 최적(最適)의 전밀빵의 부피 및 빵의 내부(內部)상태는 80% wheat grits/20% wheat flour의 시료구(試料區)에서 얻었다.

Rheological properties of the dough made from milled wheat products of various particle size, i.e., wheat shorts, girls and flour, and their effect on the loaf-volume potential of whole wheat bread were investigated in this study. One Korean wheat variety 'Cho-Kwang' was tested for suitability in whole wheat bread. The percent ash and protein content of the milled wheat products were 2.3% and 13.7% respectively. Ranges of 7.3, 5.6 and 4.8 mixograph peak-height were observed in Fraction 1(wheat flours), Fraction 2 (wheat girts) and Fraction 3(wheat shorts), respectively. Dought stability of Fraction 1 did not decreased appreciably as compared to that of commercial first grade baker's flour. Bread-baking test employing a standard formula showed that the wheat grits (0.2-0.5 mm in diameter) appeared to be the limit beyond which a rapid decrease in loaf-volume potential was noted. Optimum loaf volume and crumb characteristics were obtained in 80% wheat grits/20% wheat flour blend.
