The fluctuation of soil pathogenic microbes population in radish and chinese cabbage fields

무우 배추 포장내의 병원성 토양미생물 소장

  • Published : 1983.03.01


In order to study the effects of cropping system and fungicide (Dachigaren) on soil microbes, the seasonal fluctuations of soil microbes in the fields of radish and Chinese cabbage including soil pH, Soil moisture content and soil temperature were investigated on every 15 day interval from the begining of March to late October in 1981. The population of total fungus peaked at the begining of July, while that of total bacteria, at the begining of August. They were affected by soil temperature, however pathogenic microbes seemed to be more related with host plants than the soil temperature, because pathogens showed high density through the whole cultivation period. The pathogenic microbes showed the density of order ; Xanthomonas, Erwinia, Pseudomonas, Agrobacterium and Corynebacterium. Xanthomonas, Erwinia and Pseudomonas, which induced radish and Chinese cabbage diseases were higher than Agrobacterium and Corynebacterium in population densigy. Bacterial soft rot occured at the density of Erwinia $5.9{\sim}6.6{\times}10^5/dry$ soil 1 gram. The density of microbes on continuous fields were higher than that of rotating fields, but there were no significant difference between treated fungicide plot and non treated in the density of microbes, also no difference between Chinese cabbage and radish growing fields.
