Effect of Silica Gel on Food Dehydration of Onion by Solar Energy

태양열(太陽熱)을 이용(利用)한 식품건조(食品乾燥)에서 Silica Gel의 활용효과(活用效果)

  • Jeon, Byeong Seon (Graduate School, Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Yoon, Han Kyo (Dept.of Food Science and Technology, Coll. of Agriculture, chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Chang, Kyu Seob (Dept.of Food Science and Technology, Coll. of Agriculture, chungnam Natl. Univ.)
  • Published : 1983.06.30


This experiment was carried out to elucidate the drying characteristics of onion and dehumidifying effect of air using the silica gel and to reuse it by solar collector. The results were summarized as follows. 1. It takes 14hours to regenerate to silica gel of 8% moisture content from saturated silica gel in conditions of $28^{\circ}c$ temperature and 55% relative humidity. 2. When sample was recycled through solar collector, the result of drying was 1/2 times more efficient than that of mat drying. 3. Average thermal efficiency of solar collector was 25% during the experimental period. 4. Browning extent was reduced to 1/2 times at heated air blow drying system using drying chamber.

태양열(太陽熱)을 이용(利用)한 silica gel의 활용(活用)에 대(對)한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 얻고자, silica gel을 이용(利用)한 양파의 건조특성(乾燥特性)과, 공기(空氣)의 제습효과(除濕效果)를 구명(究明)하고, 건조제(乾燥劑)로서의 재사용(再使用)을 위(爲)하여 실험(實驗)한바, 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 외기온도(外氣溫度) $30^{\circ}C$, 상대습도(相對濕度) 55% 내외(內外)에서 포화(飽和)silica gel을 수분함량(水分含量) 8%까지 재생(再生)시키는데 14시간(時間) 소요(所要)되었다. 2. 집열기(集熱器)를 재순환(再循環)시켜 건조(乾燥)한 결과(結果), 노천건조(露天乾燥)보다 1/2정도(程度) 시간(時間)이 단축(短縮)되었다. 3. 실험기간중(實驗期間中) 집열기(集熱器)의 평균효율(平均效率)은 25%였다. 4. 건조실(乾燥室)을 이용(利用)한 송풍건조시(送風乾燥時), 갈변도(褐變度)가 1/2로 감소(減少)되었다.
