Studies on Stability for the Quality of Ginseng Products -5. Improvement of Physical Properties on Moisture Sorption of Spray Dried Red Ginseng Extract Powder-

인삼제품(人蔘製品)의 품질안정성(品質安定性)에 관한 연구(硏究) -5. 홍삼정분(紅蔘精粉)의 흡습물성(吸濕物性) 개선(改善)-

  • Choi, Jin-Ho (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Byun, Dae-Seok (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Ro, Jae-Il (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Fisheries University of Pusan) ;
  • Park, Kil-Dong (Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute) ;
  • Sung, Hyun-Soon (Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute)
  • 최진호 (부산수산대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 변대석 (부산수산대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 노재일 (부산수산대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박길동 (한국인삼연초연구소) ;
  • 성현순 (한국인삼연초연구소)
  • Published : 1984.09.30


In order to improve the physical properties on moisture sorption of spray dried red ginseng extract powder (SD-RGEP), the various additives and coating agents were treated, and solubility, sedimentation rate and storage stability of RGEPs treated were investigated. For the moisture-proofing, additive itself was effective in the order casein>dextrin>starch>avicell, but RGEPs treated with additives were effective in the order cord oil+tween-40>starch>casein. But there was no significant difference between RGEP treated less than 1% additive and the moisture-proofing. The coating effect of AEA and CAP on RGEP could not be recognized for the moisture-proofing, whereas that of HPC, corn oil, lecithin and HPC+corn oil was proved to be very effective for the moisture-proofing of RGEP. Also it is required to control the initial moisture content of RGEP. The sedimentation rate of RGEP nontreated was 65.1 seconds, whereas that of RGEPs coated with 1% HPC, 1% corn oil, 1% lecithin and 1% HPC+0.5% corn oil was in the range of 96.2 to 114.3 seconds. The sedimentation rate of RGEPs coated was 1.5 to 1.8 times higher than that of RGEP nontreated, and there was significant difference between solubility and sedimentation rate. Therefore it was no matter for the keeping quality. The sorption rates of RGEPs coated with lecithin $(0.5{\sim}1.0%$), corn oil(0.8%) and cellulose acetate (0.8%) were ranged 54 to 56%, 51 to 55% and 52 to 54%, respectively, and it is found that the moisture-proofing effect of RGEPs coated was about 2 times higher than that of RGEP nontreated. From the result of storage experiment during 3 months under the maltreated condition of $48{\pm}2^{\circ}C$, 75% RH, the moisture sorption of RGEPs coated with corn oil$(0.5{\sim}1.0%$), cellulose acetate(DES, $0.5{\sim}0.8%$) and lecithin (DES, 1.0%) was not at all observed. Therefore it is considered that the circulating period of RGEPs coated with these coating agents could to give more than 3 years.

홍삼정분(紅蔘精粉)의 흡습물성(吸濕物性) 개선(改善)에 의한 품질안정성(品質安定性)을 유지(維持)하기 위하여 천연(天然)고무질, 다당류(多糖類), 단백질(蛋白質) 및 지질(脂質) 등을 첨가(添加) 및 피막처리(被膜處理)하여 흡습율(吸濕率), 용해도(溶解度), 침강속도(沈降速度) 등을 비교(比較)하였으며 학대조건(虐待條件)하에서 장기저장(長期貯藏)하면서 피막처리제품(被朧處理製品)의 품질안정성(品質安定性)을 비교(比較)하였다. 1. 첨가제(添加劑) 자체의 방습효과(防濕效果)는 casein>dextrin>starch>aviceil의 순(順)이었으며 첨가(添加)했을 때는 corn oil + tween 40>starch>case의 순(順)으로 효과(效果)가 인정되었으나 대조구(對照區)에 비해 1%의 첨가(添加)로는 만족할만한 효과(效果)를 기대할 수 없었다. 2. 홍삼정분(紅蔘精粉)의 피막처리(被膜處理)에 사용된 피막제(被膜劑) 중에서 AEA, CAP 등은 방습효과(防濕動果)를 인정할 수 없었지만 HPC, corn oil, lecithin, HPC+corn oil등은 상당한 방습효과(防濕效業)가 인정되었으며 피막처리(被膜處理) 전에 홍삼정분(紅蓼精粉)의 초기수분함량(初期水分含量)을 조정(調整)할 필요가 있다고 판단되었다. 3. 1%이하의 피막제(被膜劑)처리(處理)에 의한 홍삼정분(紅蓼精粉)의 용해도(溶解度)에는 문제(問題)가 없었으며 침전속도(沈澱速度)를 비교(比較)하더라도 대조구(對照區) (65.1 sec)에 비해 1% HPC, 1% corn oil, 1% lecithin, 1% HPC +0.5% corn oil 처리구(處理區)(95.2${\sim}$114.3 sec)는 4.5${\sim}$l.8배(培) 높아 용해도(溶解度) 등 상품가치유지(商品價値維持)에 바람직하였다. 4. 피막제(被膜劑) 처리제품(處理製品)의 흡습율(吸濕率)을 대조구(對照區)를 100%로 하여 비교(比較)했을 때 $0.5{{\sim}}1.0%$의 lecithin 처리구(處理區)는 $54{{\sim}}56%$, 0.8%의 corn oil 처리구(處理區)는 $51{{\sim}}55%$, 0.8%의 cellulose acetate 처리구(處理區)는 $52{{\sim}}54%$로서 대조구(對照區)에 비(比)해 약 2배(倍)정도의 방습효과(防濕效果)가 인정되었다. 5. 피막제(被膜劑) 처리제품(處理製品)을 최학대조건(最虐待條件)($48{\pm}2^{\circ}C$, 75%RH)에서 3개월간(個月間)의 저장실험결과(貯藏實驗結果), $0.8{{\sim}}1.0%$의 corn oil 처리구(處理區) $0.5{{\sim}}0.8%$의 cellulose acetate(DES) 처리구(處理區) 및 1%의 lecithin(DES) 처리구(處理區)는 전연 흡습(吸濕)이 나타나지 않았으며 응고(凝固) 및 용해도(溶解度) 등에 아무런 이상(異狀)이 없으므로 3년(年)이상의 유효기간(有效期間)을 설정(設定)할 수 있다고 판단되었다. 6. 따라서 첨가제(添加劑)의 효과(效果)는 크게 기대(期待)할 수 없으나 corn oil, cellulose acetate 및 lecithin등의 피막처리(被膜處理)에 의하여 홍삼정분(紅蔘精粉)의 품질안정성(品質安定性)이 유지(維持)될 것이며, 이때 초기수분함량(初期水分含量)을 조정(調整)하는 것이 더욱 바람직 할 것으로 판단된다.
