오염(汚染)된 야채(野菜)의 조리방법(調理方法)에 따른 수은함량(水銀含量)의 변화(變化)

Changes in Mercury Content of Contaminated Vegetables by Cooking Method

  • 발행 : 1984.11.30


무기수은(無機水銀)을 용해(溶解)시킨 용수(用水)에 야채(野菜)를 침지(漫漬), 인공적(人工的)으로 오염(汚染) 시켜서 물로 삶고 기름으로 튀기는 등 조리중(調理中)의 수은함량변화(水銀合量變化)를 살펴본 결과(結果)는 아래와 같다. 1. 쑥갓의 날것은 건물중(乾物重)으로 수은함량(水銀合量)이 0.23 ppm, 열무는 0.15 ppm였다. 2. 끓는물로 삶았을 때 쑥갓은 78%, 열무는 73%만큼 잔존(殘存) 하였고, 기름으로 튀겼을 때는 쑥갓 69%, 열무는 60%가 잔존(殘存) 하였다. 3. 0.1 ppm $HgCl_2$ 용액(溶液)에 침지(浸漬)한 경우 날것은쑥갓이 6.65 ppm, 열무는 6.10 ppm이고, 이것을 삶았을 때는 10% 내외(內外)의 수은(水銀)이 용탈(溶脫) 되었고, 기름으로 튀켰을 때는 $12{\sim}24%$ 만큼 용탈(溶脫) 되었다. 4. 1 ppm $HgCl_2$용액(溶液)에 침지(漫漬)한 경우 날것은 쑥갓이 10.79 ppm, 열무가 10.83 ppm이고, 이들을 삶았을 때는 $10{\sim}20%$, 기름으로 튀겼을 때는 $10{\sim}30%$만큼 용탈(溶脫)되었다.

This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of cooking methods of boiling and frying on the removal of mercury from vegetables. Garand chrysanthemums and the leaves of young radishes contained 0.23 and 0.15 ppm of mercury, respectively. When they were boiled, the content of the mercury decreases to 78 percent in garland chrysanthemums and 73 per cent in radish leaves. When they were fried, the content of the mercury decreases to 69 percent in garland chrysanthemums and 60 percent in radish leaves. After the vegetables were exposed to 0.11 ppm of mercury dichloride for 2 hours, the raw garland chrysanthemums and the raw young radish leaves were contaminated with 6.65, 6.10 ppm of mercury, respectively. When the vegetables were boiled after this contamination, the mercury was dissolved and. melted out about 10.0%, however, when the vegetables were fried the mercury was dissolved and melted out about $12{\sim}24%$. When the vegetables were exposed to 1.0 ppm of mercury dichloride, the raw garland chrysanthemums was contaminated with 10.79 ppm of mercury and the radish leaves 10.83 ppm of mercury. The mercury was dissolved and melted out about 10-20% and 10-30% when the vegetables were boiled and fried, respectively. From these results, it can be suggested that frying is more effective cooking method than boiling for the elimination of mercury from its contaminated foods.
