쌀, 옥수수, 칡 및 생강 전분의 알카리 호화

Alkali Gelatinization of Rice, Corn, Arrow Root and Ginger Root Starches

  • 김성곤 (단국대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정혜민 (기전여자 전문대학 가정학과) ;
  • 조만희 (단국대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1984.09.30


Alkali gelatinization of rice, corn, arrow root and ginger root starches at various sodium hydroxide concentrations was investigated. Critical concentrations of alkali for starch gelatinization ranged from 2.33 to 3.17 meq NaOH per gram of starch. Ginger root starch was most resistant to alkali gelatinization and arrow root starch was least stable to alkali.
