Archives of Pharmacal Research
- Volume 7 Issue 1
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- Pages.11-15
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- 1984
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- 0253-6269(pISSN)
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- 1976-3786(eISSN)
Drug-Biomacromolecule Interaction VII
Kim, Chong-Kook
(College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University) ;
- Yang, Ji-Sum (College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University) ;
- Lim, Yun-Su (College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1984.06.01
Binding of sic cephalosporins (cefotaxime, cefuroxime, cafazoline, cephalothin, cephaloridine, cephacetrile) to human serum albumin was studied. Fluorescence probe technique and difference spectrophotometry were employed to evaluate the nature and degree of association of cephalosporin-albumin complex. 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-surfonate was used as the fluorescence probe, and 2-(4'-hydroxybenzeneazo)benzoic acid as the UV spectrophotometric probe. Competitive bindings between cephalosporins and probe were observed. For the binding of cephalosporins to human serum albumin, three binding sites were identified by fluorescence probe technique but four binding constants of cephalosporins to human serum albumin measured by fluorescence probe technique are higher than those meausred by UV spectrophotometry.
- Cefotaxime;
- Cefuroxime;
- Cephalothin;
- Cephaloridine;
- Cephacetrile;
- Human serum albumin;
- Protein binding;
- 1-Anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate(ANS);
- 2-(4′-hydroxybenzeneazo) benazoic acid(HBAB);
- Fluoresecnce probe technique;
- Difference spectra;
- Drug interaciton