: IV. A Systematic Revision of the Genus Habronyx Foerster, Therion Curtis and Heteropelma Wesmael by using Scanning Electron Microscope

  • Published : 1984.10.01


In the present paper, Genus Habronyx Foerster, Genus Habronyx Foerster, Genus Therion Curtis and Genus Heteropelma Wesmael of tribe Theriini were studied by using scanning electron microscope. The authors tried to find out distinct new characters for those genera because tribe Theriini was very similiar to each other. Ten species are recognized, of which Habronyx (Camposcopus) sonani (Uchida), 1958 is newly recorded from Korea.

맵시벌科 (Ichneumonidae)는 外部形態形質에 있어서 매우 유사한 점이 많아서 種을 同定하거나 硏究하는데 어려움이 많다. 著者들은 走査電子顯微鏡을 利用하여 지금까지 기재되어 있지 않거나 기재가 불충분한 形質들을 찾아서 재기재하였으며, 韓國産 맵시벌科中 Gnues Habronyx (장수자루맵시벌속), Genus Therion (가락지자루맵시벌속)과 Genus Heteropelma (긴가락지자루맵시벌속)을 정리한 결과 未記錄 1종 (Habronyx (Camposcopus) Sonani (Uchida), 1958)을 추가하게 되었다.
