Korean Journal of Microbiology (미생물학회지)
- Volume 22 Issue 1
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- Pages.35-40
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- 1984
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- 0440-2413(pISSN)
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- 2383-9902(eISSN)
A System Development of the Protoplast Fusion of Streptomyces coelicolor
Streptomyces coelicolor의 Protoplast Fusion 방법개발
- Kim, Jong-Su (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University) ;
- Lee, Se-Yong (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University)
- Published : 1984.01.01
Attempts were made to optimise protoplast formation and regeneration methods to improve the protoplast fusion frequencies of Streptomyces coelicolor. The yields of protoplast formation and regeneration were varied with different growth phase of the culture. Maximum yields were obtained when cells were taken from the late logarithmic phase. Protoplast formation reached almost its maximum with lysozyme treatment at a concentration of 2mg/ml without any other lytic enzyme. A high frequency of protoplast regeneration was accomplished by overlay method: the method gave 14% recovery of regenerated protoplast versus 1.8% recovery for monolay method. A recombinant frequency of 1.8X10^-2 was obtained by protoplast fusion using PEG 1000(50% w/v).
Streptomyces속 균주개발의 수단으로서 이용할 목적으로 원형질체 융합방법의 확립을 시도하였다. 특히 융합빈도를 높이고 실험을 간편화하는데 역점을 두었다. 원형질체의 형성 및 재생빈도는 균의 배양시간에 따라 변하였는데 대수기에서 수확한 균체로부터 가장 높은 빈도의 수율을 얻었다. 원형질체의 형성은 다른 용균효소를 사용하지 않고 Lysozyme 단독처리 만으로도 충분히 가능하였고 원형질체의 세포막 재생은 Monolay법 보다는 Overlay법이 훨씬 좋은 결과를 주었다. Monolay법은 1.8%, Overly법은 14%의 재생빈도를 나타냈다. 본 실험에서 PEG1000 (50% W/V)를 사용한 원형질체 융합방법으로 얻은 S. coelicolor의 재조합체의 빈도는