Nutritional and Biochemical Studies on the Pollen Loads -2. Amino Acid Composition of Sunflower Pollen Load and Its Effects on the Hepatic Alcohol Dehydrogenase(ADH) Activity in Rat-

화분립(花紛粒)의 영양생화학적(營養生化學的) 연구(硏究) -2. 해바라기 화분립(花紛粒)의 아미노산조성(産組成)과 RAT 간(肝) Alcoholdehydrogenase 활성(活性)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Yoon, Soo-Hong (Dept. of Pharmacy, Hyosung Women's University) ;
  • Ahn, Jyung-Im (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Yeungnam Junior College of Technology) ;
  • Kwon, Jung-Sook (Dept. of Home Economics, Andong National College)
  • 윤수홍 (효성여자대학교 약학과) ;
  • 안정임 (영남공업전문대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 권정숙 (안동대학 가정학과)
  • Published : 1985.03.20


For the purpose of investigating the influence of pollen load un alcohol metabolism in rat, we analyzed quantitatively amino acids of pollen load, and investigated the changes of hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) activity and hepatocyte morphology in rat administrated various concentrations of alcohol and various amounts of pollen load. 18 species of amino acids including phenylalanine in the sunflower pollen load were quantitatively analyzed, and it was found that the amount of phenylalanine, leucine, threonine, lysine are especially higher than that of the other amino acids. The liver ADH activity of experimental animals decreased with the proportion of ethanol concentration much more in ethanol administrated group than in control group, while increased in pollen load mixed with ethanol administrated group, but didn't increased as much as that in control group. In any case the less the degree of ethanol concentration was administrated, the higher the liver ADH activity increased. There was fat infiltration in the hepatocyte of ethanol administrated animals, and remarkably little fat infiltration in that of animals administrated pollen load mixed with ethanol.

화분립이 alcohol대사에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 아미노산을 분석하고, rat에 alcohol과 화분립을 각각 농도별로 투여하여 rat 간(肝) alcoholdehydrogenase (ADH)활성과 간(肝)조직 변화를 실험하였다. 1. 해바라기 화분립의 아미노산 조성을 분석하여 phenylalanine을 비롯한 18종의 아미노산을 정량하였으며, 필수 아미노산중 특히 phenylalanine, leucine, threonine, lysine의 함량이 많았다. 2. 실험동물의 간(肝) ADH활성은 alcohol 투여군이 alcohol농도에 비례하여 대조군 보다 현저히 저하하였으며, 화분립을 alcohol과 함께 투여함으로써, 대조군에는 미치지 않았지만 ADH활성이 증가하였고, alcohol의 농도가 낮을수록 그 증가율이 높았다. 3. 실험동물의 간(肝)조직은 alcohol투여군에서 지방침윤이 나타났으며, 화분립과 alcohol 복합투여군에서는 지방침윤이 현저히 적게 나타났다.
