Studies on the Lipids of Shiitake Mushroom, Lentinus edodes

표고버섯의 지질(脂質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Tsuyuki, Hideo (Department of Food Technology, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University)
  • 로목영남 (일본대학 농수의학부 식품공학과)
  • Published : 1985.11.21


The properties of lipids in cap and stalk of 'Koshin' (Shiitake, Lentinus edodes, withxpanded cap) were studied. It was also carried out that the characteristics of lipids in fresh 'Donko'(unexpanded cap) and the changes of lipids in those samples by various drying process. The total lipid (TL) content in the cap and stalk of 'Koshin' were 4.58% and 2.65% respectively. It was found that the contents of neutral lipids (NL, $46.7{\sim}48.8%$) and phospholipids (PL, $42.0{\sim}43.8%$) were high, while that of glycolipids(GL, $9.2{\sim}9.5%$) was low. The main lipid in NL was triacylglycerol (TG, $58.0{\sim}58.5%$) followed by sterolester (SE, $16.9{\sim}17.4%$), sterol (ST, $15.6{\sim}16.4%$), diacylglycerol (DG, $5.8{\sim}6.0%$) and monoacylglcerol (MG, $1.1{\sim}1.3%$). The main lipids in PL was phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE, $58.3{\sim}6.02%$) followed by phosphatidyl choline (PC, $17.3{\sim}19.5%$), cardiolipin (CA, $12.8{\sim}14.0%$) and lyso-phophatidyl choline (LPD, $4.8{\sim}6.6%$). Fatty acid composition was significantly different among TL, NL, GL and PL contained in cap and stalk. The main fatty acids was $C_{18:2}$ followed by $C_{16:0}$ and $C_{18:1}$ acids. The TL contents in cap and stalk of fresh 'Donko' were 3.7% and 2.5%. The changes of TL contents, PoV by drying were not almost observed. AV(acid value) of TL in the sun dried samples was a little lower than those of the fresh and hot air dried samples, on the contrary NL content in TL of the former was a little higher than those of the latters. The main lipid in NL of the three samples was TG followed by SE, ST, DG, MG and free fatty acid (FFA). In the above lipids, FFA contents in NL of the sun dried sample was a little higher than those of the fresh and hot air dried samples, but TG content in NL of former was a little lower than those of the latters. The main lipid in GL of the three samples was digalactosydiglycerol (DGDG) followed by acylsterylglucoside(ASG), sterylglucoside (SG), monogalactosyldiglycerol (MGD) and cerebroside (CER). Influence of drying on these lipid content were nol almost recognized. The main lipid in PL of the three samples was PE followed by PC, CA, LPC and phosphat idyl serine (PS). In the above lipids, PE and PC contents in PL of the sun dried one were a little lower than those of the fresh and hot air dried ones. The main fatty acid in TL, NL, GL and PL of the three samples was $C_{18:2}$ followed by $C_{16:0},\;C_{18:1}$. The $C_{18:2}$ acid contents of the sun dried sample was a little lower than those of the fresh and hot air dried ones, while $C_{16:0}$ content of the former was a little higher than those of the former was a little lower than those of the latters.

삿갓이 완전히 펴진 표고버섯의 부위별(別)에 따른 지질(脂質)의 특성(特性)과, 삿갓이 펴지지 않은 표고버섯의 건조방법(乾燥方法)에 따른 지질(脂質)의 변화(變化)를 연구(硏究)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 삿갓이 펴진 표고버섯의 삿갓부위(部位)의 총지질(總脂質) 함량(含量)은 4.58%이었고 자루부위(部位)는 2.6%이었으며 거의 대부분(大部分)이 중성지질(中性脂質)$(46.7{\sim}48.8%)$과 연지질(憐脂質)$(42.0{\sim}43.8%)$로 구성되어 있었으며 탕지질(糖脂質)은 적었다$(9.2{\sim}9.5%)$. 2. 중성지질(中性脂質)의 주요성분(主要成分)은 tryacylglycerol이었고 연지질(憐脂質)은 phosphatidyl ethanolamine이었다. 또한 지질산(脂質酸)의 조성(組成)은 각지질(各脂質) 및 부위(部位)에 따라 현격하게 달랐으며 $C_{18:2},\;C_{16:1}$$C_{18:1}$ 지방산(脂肪酸) 순(順)으로 함유(含有)되어 있었다. 3. 삿갓이 펴지지 않은 표고버섯의 총지질(總脂質)은 2.5%(자루)${\sim}3.7%$(삿갓)이었고 총지질함량(總脂質含量), 과산화물가(過酸化物價) 및 카아보닐價(價)는 건조방법(乾燥方法)에 따른 차이(差異)를 보이지 않았으며 총지질(總脂質)의 산가(酸價)는 일건시료(日乾試料)가 생시료(生試料) 및 열풍건조시료(熱風乾燥試料) 보다 약간 낮았으나 일건시료(日乾試料) 중(中)의 중성지질함량(中性脂質含量)은 다른 시료(試料)보다 높았다. 4. 가장 많은 部分을 차지한 중성(中性) 및 연지질(憐脂質)의 주요성분(主要成分)의 삿갓이 완전히 펴진 표고버섯과 같았고 탕지질(糖脂質)은 digalactosyldiglycerol이었으며 일건시료(日乾試料)의 연지질중(憐脂質中) phosphatidiyl ethanolamine과 phosphatidyl choline함량은 생시료(生試料) 및 열풍건조시료(熱風乾燥試料)보다 낮았다. 5. 모든 건조시료의 각(各) 지질(脂質) 중(中)의 주요(主要) 지방산조성은 삿갓이 펴진 시료의 경우와 비슷하였고 일건시료(日乾試料)의 $C_{18:2}$ 지방산(脂肪酸)함량은 다른 시료보다 높은 반면 $C_{16:0}$ 지방산은 낮았다. 한편일건시료 중의불포화지방산 함량은 열풍건조시료 및 생(生)시료보다 낮았다.
