Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 12
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- Pages.61-96
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- 1985
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Automatic indexing as a subject analysis technique
주제분석기법으로서의 자동색인
The human subject analysis of a document has some critical problems. The method results in the inconsistency in analysis process and the contradiction of two objects of the subject analysis (one is the identification of the content for the retrieval of specific items and the other is to identify the content for the grouping of related materials). Since the subject analysis by mechanized has been recognized to be the possible way to aggregate the problems of manual analysis, various a n.0, pproaches of automatic indexing have been studied and experimented. This study is to examine the automatic indexing as one of the promising subject analysis techniques by statistical, syntactical and semantic a n.0, pproaches. In conclusion, the reasonable a n.0, pplication time of the automatic indexing should be made a decision based on the through investigation on the cost verse effectiveness, and automatic indexing system should be developed in the close relationship with the on-line search which is a good retrieval system for information explosion society. From now on, since the machine-readable document-text will be envisaged to be more and more available due to the rapid development of computer technology, the more substantial research on the automatic indexing will be also possible, which can bring about the increasing of practical automatic indexing systems.