Saponin이 Aspergillus parasiticus의 발육과 Aflatoxin생합성에 미치는 효과

Effects of crude Saponin on growth and Aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus

  • 발행 : 1985.12.01


Aspergillus parasiticus의 발육과 afla toxin생산에 미치는 생약 extract의 효과에 따라 선정된 생약 금은화, 우방자 및 인삼의 조 saponm이 군체의 발육과 afla toxin생산능력에 미치는 효과을 측정하기 위하여 강화배지에 $30^{\circ}C$ 9 일간 배양하였다. 백삼 saponin 첨가배지 만이 균체발율이 대조군 보다 좋았다. 그러나 홍삼 saponin 0.36% 첨가배지에서의 균체발육은 대조군의 62.3%로 나타났으나, aflatoxin 생산능력은 aflatoxin B, 이 대조군의 38.7%. aflatoxin G1 이 22.9%로 좋은 억제효과를 나타냈다. 우방자 sapollln은 홍삼 saponin보다 억세효과가 못하지만 홍삼 saponin과 같이 균체의 발육과 aflatoxin 생산을 모두 억제 하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 extract 에서 나타났던 금은화의 aflatoxin 생산 억제효과는 본 saponin 실험에서는 나타나지 않았다.

The research was carried out for the purpose of finding effects of gerbal saponins on aflatoxin synthesis by Aspergillus parasitics NRRL 2999. A. parasiticus with $10^6$ conidia were grown at $30^{\circ}C$ for 9 days on the enriched medium that is optimum for the frowth and aflatoxins production by the mold. The inhibitory effect on the growth and aflatoxins produced by the mold occurred in the presence of 0.36% of crude red-ginseng saponin showing both the growth and aflatoxins production come to 62.3% (growth), 38.7% (aflatoxin $B_1$) and 22.9% (aflatoxin $G_1$) of the control. Thd next effective saponin to inhibit the growth and aflatoxins production was from burdock seeds. However, saponin extracted from honeysuckle flowers had no inhibitory effect. The mold caused no changes in the pH of the medium when it contained red-ginseng saponin. Red-ginseng saponin was more effective than the white-ginseng in inhibiting both the growth and aflatoxin production.
