국제해난구조협약의 개정 및 문제점 -사법적 문제를 중심으로-

Some Issues on the Rivision of the 1910 International Salvage Convention and in Particular the Question in Private Law

  • 발행 : 1985.10.01


According to the report prepared by Legl Committee of IMO, 1978, since the disaster of motor tanker Amoco Cadiz carrying approximate 220, 000 tons of crude oil was wrecked on the coast of France and damaged the largest oil pollution accident in shipping history, Legal Committee of IMO has studied and discussed a new Salvage Convention with assistance of CMI. CMI has prepared a new draft convention under the chairmanship of professor Erling Chr. Selvig and adopted it as a report of CMI to IMO in the 32 Internaltional Conference of CMI, Montreal, May, 1981. This paper has been written to study comparatively andinterprete the questions and/or considerations of the new draft convention by the delegates participated in the Legal Committee of IMO in particular on the private legal view of it. This Salvage Convention Draft has not yet been deliberated thoroughly to agreed the revisiion of the 1910 Convention in accordance with CMI Report 1981 until session 54, March 1985. Therefore this paper has been prepared in the light of the comments made at the Legal Committee in order to interpret the legal questions and contents of the new draft.
