Biomass and Net Primary Productivity of Pinus densiflora Natural Ecosystem in Kangwondo, Korea

강원도산(江原道産) 소나무천연림생태계(天然林生態系)의 Biomass 및 Net Primary Production에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Lee, Soo Wook (College of Agriculture, Chungnam National University)
  • Received : 1985.10.31
  • Published : 1985.12.30


Dimension analysis was used to estimate biomass and net primary production(NPP) in a 36-year-old Japanese red pine (Pines densiflora S. et Z.) natural forest in Kangwondo. Best estimation was made by the equation model of $Wt=aD^bH^c$ where Wt is weight in kg, D is DBH in cm, and H is total tree height in m. Total aboveground biomass was estimated at 198.82 t/ha. Organic matter was distributed in the Japanese red pine stand as follows ; bolewood 68.8%, live branches 16.5%, bolebark 5.4%, foliage 4.6%, dead branches 3.7%, and cones 0.6%. Net primary production was estimated at 15.87 t/㏊/yr and was distributed: bolewood 44.5%, live branches 30.9%, foliage 14.1%, current twig 7.1%, and bolebark 3.3%. Leaf efficiency was estimated at 1.876. The power equation for biomass and IVPP yielded similar results as the results for Pines densiflora in Japan.

강원도산(江原道産) 소나무천연림(天然林)의 생산성(生産性)을 파악(把握)하기 위하여 10본(本)의 표본목(標本木)을 벌도(伐倒)하고 각(各) 부위별(部位別) 및 총(總) biomass와 biomass 추정방정식(推定方程式) 모형으로는 $Wt=aD^bH^c$가 가장 적합(適合)하였다. 2) 임분(林分) biomass 추정량(推定量)은 지상부(地上部) 총량(總量)이 198.82 t/ha였으며 부위별(部位別)로는 수간목부(樹幹木部)가 136.82 t/ha, 생지부(生枝部)가 32.81 t/ha, 수피부(樹皮部)가 10.72 t/ha 엽량(葉量)이 9.07 t/ha 죽은가지가 7.30 t/ha 였다. 3) 순생산량(純生産量)은 지상부총량(地上部總量)이 15.87 t/ha/yr였으며 부위별(部位別)로는 수간목부(樹幹木部)가 7.04 t/ha/yr., 생지부(生枝部)가 4.91 t/ha/yr., 엽량(葉量)이 2.21 t/ha/yr., 소지(小枝)가 1.13 t/ha/yr., 수피(樹皮)가 0.52 t/ha/yr 였다. 4) Leaf efficiency는 1.876으로서 연간지상부(年間地上部) 총생산량(總生産量) 15.87 t/ha/yr와 비교적 잘 연관되어 있다.
