Ecological Studies on the Occurrence of Rice False Smut

벼 이삭누룩병(病)의 발생(發生) 생태(生態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • In, Moo Seong (Graduate School, Chungnam Natl. Univ) ;
  • Park, Jong Seong (Dept. of Agronomy, Coll. of Agriculture, Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Yu, Seung Hun (Dept. or Agriculturol Biology, Coll. of Agriculture, Chungnam Natl. Univ.)
  • Published : 1985.12.31


In order to get information on the ecology of rice false smut, germination ability and pathogenicity of sclerotia and chlamydospores of the pathogen, environmental conditions affecting the disease outbreak and varietal resistance have been investigated. 1. The degree of outbreak of rice false smut was higher in the upland rice in comparison with the paddy field rice in respect to the number of affected grains per ear, the size and weight of smut balls formed on affected grains as well as the ratio of sclerotial formation produced on smut balls. 2. Germination percentage and days required for germination of overwintered sclerotia placed on the soil surface in July were 81% and 19 days, respectively, while those of overwintered sclerotia treated in May were 60-70% and 41 days. Sclerotia placed on the soil surface or under 1 cm depth of the soil surface and incubated at $25-30^{\circ}C$ were germinated well, whereas those placed under 3 cm or 5 cm depth of the soil surface were not germinated at all. Germinability and stroma productivity of sclerotia were reduced when the sclerotia were cutted into small pieces. 3. The average number of stroma formed on a sclerotium was six and that of perithecia formed in a stroma was about 50 to 140. 4. Percentage of germination of chlamydospores on the yellow balls was very high and was decreased as the color of the balls being darken with maturation. 5. Panicle of rice plants were successfully infected by injection inoculation with suspention of ascospores and chlamydospores of the pathogen to the sheaths at the booting stages, while seeding infection by spraying with suspensions of chlamydospores was unsuccessful. 6. More number of infected grains was distributed on basal parts of an affected ear than that of infected ones distributed upper parts of the ear, when the affected ear was divided into five parts from its basal portion to the apical of the ear. 7. The occurrence of the disease was more severe in the late maturing varieties of rice in comparison with the early maturing varieties. 8. When the level of nitrogen applied was increased, the incidence of disease increased, and the infection percentage of the disease was increased as the transplanting date was delayed. 9. The weight of panicles and 1000 kernels and the ratio of ripenness were reduced, and the contamination degree of grains with chlamydospores were increased as the number of smut balls per panicle were increased.

본(本) 연구(硏究)는 벼 이삭누룩병(病)의 발생생태(發生生態)에 관(關)한 기초자료(基礎資料)를 얻기 위(爲)하여 전투원(專透源)인 균핵(菌核) 및 후막포자(厚膜胞子)의 발아조건(發芽條件)과 병원성(病原性)을 조사(調査)하였으며 발병(發病)에 미치는 재배환경(栽培環境)의 영향(影響)과 수도(水稻) 품종간(品種間)의 발병정도(發病程度)를 조사(調査)하였던 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 이병립(罹病粒)에 형성(形成)되는 후막포자괴(厚膜胞子塊)는 밭벼의 것이 논벼의 것보다 크고 수당(穗當) 이병립수(罹病粒數)도 밭벼에서 많았다. 균핵(菌核)의 형성율(形成率)은 밭벼 22.2%, 논벼 3.6 %로서 밭벼에서 현저(顯著)히 높았다. 2. 월동(越冬) 균핵(菌核)의 발아율(發芽率)은 7월초(月初)의 고온(高溫)에서는 81%로 높았고 발아소요일수(發芽所要日數)도 19일(日)로 짧았으며 균핵(菌核)은 지표면(地表面)이나 지하(地下) 1cm깊이에 매몰(埋沒)된 것은 $25^{\circ}C{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ 고온(溫度)에서 잘 발아(發芽)하였고 균핵(菌核)은 1/4로 절단(切斷)되어도 발아력(發芽力)이 유지(維持)되었다. 3. 자실체(子實體)는 균핵당(菌核當) 평균(平均) 6개(個)가 형성(形成)되었고 자실체당(子實體當) 자낭각(子囊殼)은 50~140개(個)가 형성(形成)되었다. 4. 후막포자(厚膜胞子)는 형성시기(形成初期)인 황색포가(黃色胞子)가 발아력(發芽力)이 왕성(旺盛)하였고 성숙(成熟)해 갈수록 발아율(發芽率)이 저하(低下)되었다. 5. 후막포자(厚膜胞子)는 자낭포자(子囊胞子)는 수잉기(穗孕期) 주사접종(注射接種)에서 발원성(病原性)을 나타냈으며 후막포자(厚膜胞子)의 유아기(幼芽期) 접종(接種)은 병원성(病原性)이 없었다. 6. 이병주(罹病株)의 수당이병립(穗當罹病粒)의 발생수(發生數)는 1~5립(粒)이 대부분(大部分)이었으며 제일하위(第一下位) 지경절(枝梗節)의 벼알에 많이 발생(發生)되었고 상위절(上位節)로 올라갈수록 적었다. 7. 이삭누룩병(病)은 만생종(晩生種)일수록 발병율(發病率)이 높았으며 일반계(一般系) 중(中)에서는 상풍벼, 삼남(三南)벼, 은하(銀河)벼에서 통일계(統一系) 중(中)에서는 풍산, 서광(曙光), 백양(白羊)벼 등(等)에서 발병(發病)이 많았다. 8. 본병(本病)은 질소시비량(窒素施肥量)이 많으면 많을수록 발병(發病)이 많았으며 이앙(移秧)이 늦어질수록 발병(發病)이 많았다. 9. 이삭누룩병(病)의 이병립(罹病粒)이 증가(增加)할수록 수중(穗重), 등숙율(登熟率), 천립중(千粒重) 등(等)이 떨어지고 쌀의 오염도(汚染度)도 높았다. 경제적(經濟的) 피해(被害) 한계선(限界線)은 이병수율(罹病穗率) 0.8%선(線)이었다.
