폐 Aspergillosis 14 예 보고

The clinical study of pulmonary aspergillosis -A report of 14 cases-

  • 박철호 (인제의대 부산백병원 흉부외과학교실)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.01


14 cases of pulmonary aspergillosis were managed surgically over a 6 year period in the Dept. of Thoracic Surgery Inje Medical College, Paik Hospital were reviewed. 1. Male, female ratio was 9:5 male predominant and 2,3,4 decade were prevalent. 2. The most prevalent chief complaint was hemoptysis, 9 cases [63%] and other symptoms were chronic productive cough 4 cases. 3. Preoperative diagnostic accuracy ratio was 0.21 [3 cases only]. 4. Right upper lobe was most common involving site, 7 cases [5[%], 13 lobectomy and 2 segmentectomy were performed. 5. Pathological underlying diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis 8 cases [57%], bronchiectasis and lung abscess was 1 case, no underlying disease were 4 cases. 6. One major postoperative complication was symptomatic residual dead space which was managed by thoracoplasty.
