Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 13
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- Pages.29-58
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- 1986
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A study on the library service for the visually disabled persons
시각장애자를 위한 도서관 정보봉사에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to examine library service for the blind and visually disabled persons. the coverage of this study is 1) The Concept and categorization of blind and visually disabled persons 2) History of library service for the blind and visually disabled persons. 3) Activities and current situation of library service for the blind and visually disabled persons. 4) Activities of library service for the blind and visually disabled persons in Korea. 5) problems of library service for the blind and visually disabled persons. The followings are some of major points revealed in problems of library service for the blind and visually disabled persons. 1. Attitudinal barriers which grow out of prejudice because of lack of public awareness of all the information services for the blind and visually disabled persons. 2. The development and distribution of reading aids and innovative technology improving access to information for the blind and visually disabled persons. 3. Extension of information service in public library for the blind and visually disabled persons. 4. Copyright problems. 5. Facilities or architectural problems for the blind and visually disabled persons.