Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 13
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- Pages.59-84
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- 1986
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
교양명저 선정제도
This paper is a study of the system of liberal great books selection in universities of Korea. A questionnaire consisted of 14 questions was sent to 46 universities of which 42 universities responded. Results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1) Liberal great books selection system was operated 40% of universities, but 60% was not operated because of not preparation and without perception of necessity. 2) The name of liberal great books was varied in 11 kinds of 16 universities. It is desirable that the name is unified. 3) The founded year of liberal great books selection system was new comparatively with enhanced liberal education. 4) The greater part of liberal great books format were a leaf of catalog, but it is desirable that book form catalog with review for induction of reading interests. 5) It is desirable that renewal of liberal great books are irregularly in answer to a need. 6) It is a n.0, ppeared that selection of liberal great books were by professor, but it is desirable that selection is by many people of all parts without prejudices and subjectivity. 7) The title of liberal great books were 121 titles in average. It is desirable that the titles are about 100 titles for expected results. 8) In a duplicates of liberal great books, 5 copy is much more than other cases. It is desirable that the duplicates depend on students, use rates, budget etc. of universities. 9) Use rates of liberal great books are much more than other books, but it is necessary that public relations and stimulation of reading for most use. 10) In subject analysis, liberal great books consisted of humanities, social sciences and novel mainly. Specially, literature is 33% of the total. 11) Liberal great books consisted of occidental works and literature mainly. 12) It is a n.0, ppeared that analysis of a n.0, ppointment frequency was scattered exceedingly.