Asymbiotic nitrogen fixation of R. japonicum in soybean nodule extract

대두근류 추출물의 첨가에 의한 rhizobium japonicum의 비공생적 질소고정

  • 김성훈 (한국과학기술원 유전공학센터) ;
  • 이윤 (한국과학기술원 유전공학센터) ;
  • 김창진 (한국과학기술원 유전공학센터) ;
  • 유익동 (한국과학기술원 유전공학센터) ;
  • 민태익 (한국과학기술원 유전공학센터)
  • Published : 1986.06.01


Soybean nodule extract was prepared and tested for the effectiveness in the induction of asymbiotic nitrogen fixation of R. japonicum P-168. A Asymbiotic nitrogenase activity was increased over twice when glutamate was replaced by nodule extract in the induction media. Independently of the induction media, the nitrogenase activity in the assay media was also enhanced by the addition of nodule extract ($100-400{\mu}g$ protein/ml). The amount of ethylene in the assay media reached the highest point after 8 days incubation of R-168 and was decreased thereafter. The growth of R. japonicum R-168 was sensitive to the concentration of nodule extract. As a while, the effect of soybean root extract was not detected both in the induction of nitrogenase activity and in the growth of R. japonicum R-168.
