한국 청소년의 식염배설량에 관한 연구 -전북을 중심으로-

A Study on the Sodium Chloride Urinary Excretion of Adolescents in Korea

  • 김성숙 (원광대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1986.12.01


The purpose of this study was to estimate the urinary excretion of sodium cho\ulcornerloride of adolescent in Jeon Bug. Korea and to evaluate the correlation of sodium chloride excretion by sex and area. The subjects were 261 healthy persons of 16 years old ( male 131. fermale 130) which were randomly choosen from different areas (city, farming area and fishing area). The urinary sodium chloride excretion in 24hrs were evaluated. which were cal\ulcornerculated from the analysis of urine sample gathered for 12hrs. The results were as follows; 1) The urinary excretion of sodium chloride by the group of male and female in 24hrs were 388.0$\pm$191.4mEq(22.68$\pm$l1.19gm) and 303.6\ulcorner138.0mEq(l7.75$\pm$8.07gm) reo spectively. 2) The urinary excretion of sodium chloride by the group of male was higher than by the group of female. 3) The urinary excretion of sodium chloride by the group of city, farming area and fishing area in 24hrs. were 256.2$\pm$96.8mEq(14.97$\pm$5.66 gm), 433.2$\pm$188.6 mEq (25.32$\pm$l1.62gm) and 356.0$\pm$169.8mEq (20.81$\pm$.92gm) respectively. 4) The urinary excretion of sodium chloride by the farming area group and the fishing area group were higher than the city group. Hence the daily urinary excretion of sodium chloride by adolescent of 16years old was estimated to be 20.21$\pm$9.63gm.
