Studies on Dry Matter Yields , Chemical Composition and Net Energy Accumulation in Three Leading Temperate Grass Species I. Influence of meteorolgical factors on the dry matter productivity and net energy value under different cutting management

주요 북방형목초의 건물수량 , 화학성분 및 Net Energy 축적에 관한 연구 I. 기상환경 및 예취관리에 따른 건물 및 에너지 생산성 변화

  • F. Muhlschlegel (Munchen Technical University, West Germany) ;
  • G. Voigtlander (Munchen Technical University, West Germany) ;
  • Published : 1986.05.30


The experiments were carried out to study the influence of meteorological factors and cutting management on dry matter accumulation and net energy value in orchardgrass (Dactlylis glomerata L.) cv. Potomac and Baraula, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cv. Reveille and Semperweide and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) cv. Cosmos 11 and N.F.G.. The field trials were designed as a split plot design with three cutting regimes of 6-7 cuts at grazing stage, 4-5 cuts at silage stage and 3 cuts at hat stage in Korea and West Germany from 1975 to 1979. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Productivity of orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue were mainly affected by cutting systems and meteorological factors, especially air temperature, rainfalls, solar radiation and their interactions. In West Germany, cutting frequency was to be found asan most important factor influenced to dry matter yield and net energy value. 2. Orchardgrass, taken as average of all experimental sites in Korea, produced high yield of 875 kg/10 a in dry matter, which was as much as 32% and 27% higher than those of perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue, respectively. The annual dry matter yields of orchardgrass from 1976 to 1977 were shown a little variation. Dry matter yields in Freising and Braunschweig in West Germany were increased in all grass species continuously. 3. Orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue showed different response to cutting frequency. The highest dry matter yields were found under 3 cuts at hay stage for orchardgrass and 4-5 cuts at silage stage for perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue. In West Germany, dry matter yields, as average of all grass species under different cutting systems, were 1326 kg, 1175 kg and 1098 kg/10a for 3 cuts, 4-5 cuts and 6-7 cuts, respectively. 4. Chemical composition and net energy concentration of temperate grasses were influenced by cutting managements. The highest yields of digestible crude protein were obtained under 6-7 cuts at grazing stage both in Korea and West Germany. In net energy yields, 3 cutting system produced the highest yield with 694 (orchardgrass), 665 (perennial ryegrass) an 623 kStE/10 a (meadow fescue). However, frequent cutting at grazing and silage stage produced higher yields than 3 cuts at hay stage in Cheju, Suweon and Taekwalyong.

본(本) 시험(試驗)은 기상환경(氣象環境) 및 예취관리(刈取管理)가 주요(主要) 북방형(北方型) 목초(牧草)의 물질생산성(物質生産性)과 에너지가치(價値)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)코자 한국(韓國)의 Suweon, Cheju 및 Taekwalyong과 서독(西獨)의 Freising 및 Braunschweing에서 $1975{\sim}$79년간(年間) 동시(同時)에 실시(實施)되었다. 공시초종(供試草種)은 orchardgrassm perennial ryegrass 및 meadow fescue로 예취방법(刈取方法)은 방목기(放牧期)(년(年)$6{\sim}7$회(回)), silage 기(期)(년(年)$4{\sim}5$회(回)) 및 건초기이용(乾草期利用)(년(年) 3회(回))으로 구분(區分), 분할구(分割區) 배치법(配置法) 4반복(反復)으로 시험(試驗)을 실시(實施)하였는바 얻어진 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 한국(韓國)에 있어서 orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass 및 meadow fescue의 생산성(生産性)은 예취관리(刈取管理)와 재배기간중(栽培期間中)의 기상환경(氣象環境)에 의(依)해 가장 큰 영향(影響)을 받았다. 환경요인중(環境要因中) 온도(溫度) 및 강수량(降水量)은 수량(收量)을 좌우(左右)하는 가장 중요(重要)한 기상요인(氣象要因)에 속하며 일조시간(日照時間), 일사량(日射量), 재배년도등(栽培年度等)도 요인상호간(要因相互間)의 interactions에 의(依)해 목초생산성(牧草生産性)에 큰 영향(影響)이 미쳤다. 2. 초종별(草種別) 건물수량(乾物收量)은 orchardgrass가 지역평균(地域平均) 875kg/10a을 생산(生産) perennial ryegrass 및 meadow fescue에 비해 각각(各各) 32% 및 27%가 높았다. 한편 orchardgrass는 년차별(年次別) 수량변이(收量變異)가 적은데 반(反)해 perennial ryegrass 및 meadow fescue는 초년도(初年度)(1976)에 비해 1977년(年)에는 각각(各各) 65.5% 및 29%의 수량감소(收量減少)가 있었다. Freising 및 Braunschweig에서는 각(各) 초종(草種) 공(共)히 년도(年度)가 경과(經過)됨에 따라 증가(增加)되는 경향(傾向)이었다. 3. 예취방법별(刈取方法別) 목초생산성(牧草生産性)은 초종(草種)에 따라 차이(差異)가 있어 orchardgrass는 건초기(乾草期)에 년(年)3회(回), perennial ryegrass 및 meadow fescue는 silage 기(期)에 년(年) $4{\sim}5$회(回) 이용(利用)함으로서 가장 높은 수량(收量)을 얻을 수 있었다. Freising 및 Braunschweig 지방(地方)의 예취방법별(刈取方法別) 공시초종(供試草種)의 평균(平均) 건물수량(乾物收量)은 각각(各各) 1326(년(年)3회(回)이용(利用)), 1175(년(年)$4{\sim}$ 5회(回))및 1,098kg/10a(년(年)$6{\sim}$7회(回))이었다. 4. 목초(牧草)의 화학성분(化學成分) 및 energy concentration은 환경요인(環境要因)과 예취관리(刈取管理)에 따라 큰 차이(差異)가 있다. 가소화단백질(可消化蛋白質) 수량(收量)은 각지역(各地域) 공(共)히 방목기(放牧期)의 잦은 예취(刈取)에서 가장 높았다. Net energy 수량(收量)은 Freising(서독(西獨))에서는 건초기이용(乾草期利用)이 각각(各各) 694(orchardgrass), 665(perennial ryegrass) 및 623 kStE(meadow fescue)을 생산(生産) 가장 좋았는데 비해 Cheju, Suweon 및 Taekwalyong 지방(地方)에서는 방목기(放牧期) 및 silage 기(期) 이용(利用)이 건초기이용(乾草期利用)보다 유리(有利)하였다.
