Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 14
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- Pages.99-120
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- 1987
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A study of a n.0, pplication of marketing to library management
도서관경영에 있어서 마아케팅의 도입에 관한 연구
This paper tries to a n.0, pply the concept and process of marketing which have been developed in profit sector to library management. Since the end of 60's certain marketing researchers, among them Kotler, Levy, and Shapiro have advanced the theseses that marketing is not just a business organization as well. Recently libraries have been interested in markeing also. Marketing is a concept of sensitively serving and satisfying human needs through voluntary exchanges of value. Library is a value exchange system in which library service is exchanged with community's patronage. In order for library user to involve in the value exchange system voluntarily, library should analyze user's needs and offer products satisfying the needs. For doing this, library should understand marketing. In this paper, author introduces the marketing concepts and process, tries to show how to a n.0, pply the key concepts and process to public library management. The needs of marketing in library sector, the effectiveness and barriers in a n.0, pplying marketing to library also discussed.