DCT, DST와 DHT의 고속 알고리즘 개발

The Development of the Fast Algorithms for the DCT, DST and DHT

  • 발행 : 1987.06.01


DCT-III型의 高速處理方法을 다른 型의 DCT-DST 및 DHT의 高速變換에 확대 適用항 시스템의 구성이 간단하고 곱셈 및 덧셈 回數가 기존의 方法보다 작은 高速 알고리즘을 開發하였다. 또한 各各 四種의 DCT, DST 및 DHT의 相互 관계식과 各各에 곰셈回數 및 덧셈回數에 관한 公式이 유도되었다.

By the extension and the modification of the efficient aigorithms for the DCT-III, the fast algorithms to compute three versions for DCT, four versions of DST, and a DHT are developed. It is shown that the algorithms developed in this paper have simple structures and the numbers of multipication and addition are reduced as comparies with the existing efficient algorithms. The algorithms presentes in this paper indicate the close relationship amng different versions of the DCT and DST as well as a DHT. The formulas to compute the numbers of multiplication and addition of them are derived.
