Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 15
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- Pages.153-178
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- 1988
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Library automation and its impact on library
도서관자동화와 자동화에 의한 영향
This paper consists of three chapters. Changes and objectives of library automation are discussed in chapter 1 and 2 respectively. The dominant trends in library automation which begun in 1960's can be described ; the 1960's was dominated by primitive local systems and the 1970's by online networks. And in the 1980's, there is a return to local system but with various options to networks. The major objectives of library automation are to improve speed of technical process, to get economic efficiency, and to provide better services. But the library planning automation should take account of experiences of the others that those objectives are not easily achieved. The impact of automation on a library is discussed in chapter 3. First, emphasis of libraries shifts from a collection orientation to an access orientation. Computer allowed to access not only to materials of their own library but also to those of others. Second, libraries should reconsider all their activities and services. Those must be reorganized by several principles such as rationalization, intelligent use of automation, and maximizing of human self-fulfillment. Third, change on organizational structure is anticipated. Flat organization in stead of existing hierarchy will provide rapid communication for problem - solving and intensify professionalism. Machine with proper capabilities and well programed software are prerequisites for library automation. But beyond these prerequisites, human factor should be stressed as well as mechanical factor. Therefore, understanding of changes due to automation, aggressive acceptance of trend, and su n.0, pport of organization are required in order to get successful results.