Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 15
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- Pages.179-205
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- 1988
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A comparative study on electronical engineering class in KDC and DDC
KDC와 DDC의 전자공학분야 비교연구
The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences between electronical engineering class in KDC3 and electronical engineering class in DDC 19. The results of the study can be summarized as follows ; 1. The characteristics of the classification items in classification schemes of the electronical engineering fields is that KDC is classified by the vacuum tubes, electron tubes, special tubes, computers etc and DDC is classified by the microwave electronics, short-and long-wave electronics, X-ray and gamma-ray electronics, computers etc. 2. There is a blank in KDC and there are three blanks in DDC of the electronical engineering fields, but the total classification items number is much more in DDC than in KDC. This means that DDC is more classified than in the special classification items. 3. Classification items over 70% in the total classification items of computer fields in KDC, are classified a classification items of the short-and long-wave electronics in DDC. 4. There is a blank of computer fields in KDC and there are three blanks of computer fields in DDC, but the total classification items are many eighteen items. This means that DDC is more classified than KDC. 5. The sections of computers in DDC were established the 621.38195 classification item and the subsection of analogue computers in DDC were established the 621.381957 classification item and the subsection of digital computer in DDC were established the 621.381958 classification item. As we have seen, because of the development in technology and the subdivision of knowledge, the number of items is increased, and the terminology also become simplified and specified in the field of electronic engineering in KDC and DDC.