Enterobacter agglomerans 339에 있어서 transposon umtagenesis를 통한 Nif$^{-10}$ -mutants 분리 동정

Isolation of Nif$^{-10}$ -mutants through transposon mutagenesis in enterobacter agglomerans 339

  • 민병환 (경희대학교 문리과대학 생물학과) ;
  • 이호자 (경희대학교 문리과대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1988.03.01


Three $NIf^{-}$ -mutants were isolated from Enterbacter agglomerans 339 through the transposon umtagenesis using a RP4-mobilising system for its nif-gene characterization. All mutants hadn't acetylene-reduction ability. Then we confirmed that Tn5 was inserted into all conserved nif-plasmids through the Southern Hybridization.
