벼의 품종저항성이 벼멸구 각 생태형의 선호성, 발육 및 증식능력에 미치는 영향

Preference, Development and Fecundity of the Brown Planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens St${\aa}$l) Biotypes Fed on Different Cultivars of Rice with Various Resistance Gence

  • 박영도 (경상대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 송유한 (경상대학교 농과대학 농생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1988.09.01


벼멸구에 대한 벼품종의 저항성요인으로 주목되고 있는 선호성, 란 및 약충기간, 부화 및 우화률, 성비, 성충의 수명 및 산란력 등을 조사하였다. 식이 및 산란선호성은 동률벼에서 생태형 모두 높은 선호성을 보였으며, 청청벼와 밀양63호에서는 각각 생태형-2와 3에서 약간 높은 선호성을 보였으나, 동률벼에 비해서는 현저히 낮은 선호성이었다. 난 및 약충기간과 부화율, 우화률 및 생장 지수는 생태형-1의 경 우 타 품종에 比해 密陽 23號에 서 짧고, 높았으며 , 또態型-2와 3 은 各各 좁 팍벼 와 密陽 63號에 서 密陽 23號에서와 같이 짧고, 높게 나타났다. 성충의 수명과 산란수도 생태형-1의 경우 타 품종에 비해 밀양 23호에서 길고, 많았으며, 생태형-2와 3은 각각 청청벼와 밀양 6 63호에서 밀양 23호에서와 같이 수명이 길고 산란수도 많았다.

Some attempts were made to investigate the biological characteristics of the brown planthopper(BPH), Nilaparvata lugens St${\aa}$l, biotypes in terms of perference in feeding oviposition on rice field, egg and nymphal periods, egg hatchability, emergemce ratio, growth index, adult lingevity and gecundity fed on 60-day-old rece cultivaes with different resistance genes. Feeding and oviposition perference of the three BPH biotypes on Dongjinbyeo with no resistance gene were shown very higher than on rice cultivars with resistance genes. Those of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo with bph 1 gene and bitype-3 on Milyang 63 with bph 2 gene were relatively high, however, they were still remarkably lower than those of Dongjibyeo. The egg and nymphal periods of the three BPH biotyes on Milyang 23 were shorter than on the other rice cultivars. The periods of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo and biotype-3 on Milyang 63 were as short as those of the three BPH biotypes on Milyang 23. The egg hachability, emergence ratio, and growth index of the three BPH bioyoes on Milyang 23 were higher than on the other rice cultivars and those of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo and biotyoe-3 on Milyang 63 were as high as on Milyang 23. The female adult longevity of the BPH biotype-1 on Milyang 23 was longer than on the other cultivaes, and that of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo and bioty-3 an Milyang 63 were as ling as on Milyang 23. The number of egg laid by a female of the three BPH biotypes were greatly increased on Milyang 23. Those of biotype-2 on Cheongcheongbyeo and biotype-3 an Milyang 63 were also greatly increased.
