"태양 상수 측정"지도의 의의와 방법 - 사범대학과 고등학교 교육 및 산업분야 응용을 연관시킨 물리교과 내용 개발의 한 모형 -

A Model of Teaching the Physics of Solar Constant Measurement -An example of Highr School and Teachers College Physics Curricula Developments Based upon the Industrial Requirements-

  • 발행 : 1988.06.30


According to the previous studies, the science education departments in the college of education should develop better curricula to teach future secondary school teachers in a more professional way As one example of such curricula developments. one important topics of modem physics was integrated to teach the future high school physics teachers In the physics education departments. The title is "The Physics of Solar Constant Measurement The surrounding core physics for this measurements were pulled together with these important points in minds(1) clear goal of learning In the teachers college physics(2) Clear explanation of physics and visualization of important technologies for the high school students(3) these teachings should encourage for the students to use the knowledge and technologies learned through the class toward the industrial applications Korea will move toward one of the heavily industrialized countries in the world where the physics education can become key player to manufacture physics based products. Therefore developments of physics curricula which relates teachers college, high school, and industry will become more and more Important.
