Variation in Cartenoid Pigment and lipids of the Arkshell, (Anadara broughtonii) according to the Environmental Factors of the Growing Area

서식환경요인에 따른 피조개육의 Carotenoid색소와 지질성분의 변화

  • Ha, Bong-Senk (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Gycongsang Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Kang, Dong-Soo (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Gycongsang Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Yung-Gwan (Dept. of Food Processing, Pusan Junior College) ;
  • Kim, Kui-Shik (Dept. of Marine Processing, Natl. Fisheries College of Yosu)
  • 하봉석 (경상대학교식품영양학과) ;
  • 강동수 (경상대학교식품영양학과) ;
  • 김용관 (부산전문대학식품가공학과) ;
  • 김귀식 (여수수산대학수산가공과)
  • Published : 1989.03.01


The seasonal variations of environmental sea water, arid carotenoid and lipid composition of reddish muscle tissue of arkshell, Anadara broughtonii in Chungmu and $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ were investigated. In the sea water, pH value, salinity, electrical conductivity of Chungmu and $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ were similar tendency, but water temperature in annual average at Chungmu-area was about $2^{\circ}C$ higher than that of $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. The concentration of nitrite-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphours at Chungmu-area were slightly higher than those at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Meanwhile the concentration of silicate-silicious at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ was about 2 times higher than that of Chungmu-area. The bacterial density of the sea water was ranged from 3.6 to 93/100ml for coliform and 3.0 to 15/100ml for fecal colifrom at Chungmu-area, but the coliform was ranged 7.3 to 150/100ml and the fecal coliform was ranged 3.6 to 20/100ml at $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Among the coliform, 8.9% Escherichia coli, 33.9% Citrobacter freundii, 41.1% Enterobacter aerogenes groups were classified and 16.1% was not identified. In the hemoglobin content of reddish muscle tissue of arkshell, one from Chungmu-area was ranged from 1.1 to 2.5 g /dl and one from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ was ranged from 1.7 to 4.4 g /dl. In total carotenoid content, 0.80 to 1.28mg/100 g muscle was in Chungmu-area and 0.45 to 0.99mg/100 g muscle was in $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. Among the carotenoid compositions, pectenolone content was 63.0% in annual average from Chungmu area and 59.6% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$, 6.5% from Chungmu area and 18.9% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ in ${\beta}-carotene$, 9.9% from Chungmu-area and 9.1% from Yosu-area in pectenoxanthin, 11.2% from Chungmu-area and 5.2% from $Y{\check{o}}su-area$ in diatoxanthin monoester were observed. In the seasonal variation for the major carotenoids, the content of pectenolone was continuously incresedbefore spawning period and showed the maximum in July, but decresed after spawning period. Diatoxanthin monoester was gradually incresed during all growing period from March to next January. And ${\beta}-carotene$ was decresed before spawning period and showed the maximum in July but incresed after spawning period. The major fatty acids of total lipid and fractionated lipid classes from total lipid namely neutral-, glyco- and phospholipid were $C_{16:0},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{22:6},\;C_{20:2},\;C_{18:2},\;C_{20:5}\;and\;C_{18:3}$ acid in the muscle tissue of arkshell. The content of neutral lipid showed about 2 times higher than polar lipid in the muscle tissue of arkshell from both Chungmu and, $Y{\check{o}}su-area$. The content of total and neutral lipid was decresed during spawning period. In the seasonal variation for fatty acid compositions, the content of polyenenoic acid in total and neutral lipid was decresed and saturated acid was incresed. On contrary, polyenoic acid in glyco and phospholipid was incresed and saturated acid was decresed during spawning period from July to September. The sterol composition in total lipid were mainly consisted of cholesterol, campesterol, brassicasterol and ${\beta}-sitosterol$. Especially, the rate of content in cholesterol showed decrese during spawning period butcampesterol showed increse from March to November.

피조개 양식장의 수질변화와 양성중의 피조개 근육의 carotenoid조성 그리고 지질조성의 변화 등을 비교, 검토하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 해수의 일반정상중, pH, 염분도, 전기전도도는 충무, 여수의 양수역이 비슷하였으나, 년평균 수온은 충무수역이 약$2^{\circ}C$정도 높았다. 여수수역은 충무수역보다, 아질산성질소, 암모니아성질소, 인산성인등의 농도가 다소높았고, 특히 규산성규소의 농도가 2배 정도가 높아 수질이 뒤떨어지는 것으로 판단된다. 대장균군과 분변계대장균의 변화범위는 충무 수역이 $3.6{\sim}93/100ml,\;3.0{\sim}15/100ml$이며, 여수수역이 $7.3{\sim}150/100ml,\;3.6{\sim}20/100ml$로서 여수수역이 약간 불결하였다. 대장균의 조성은 Escherichia coli군이 8.9%, Citrobacter freundii군이 33.9%, Enterobacter aerogenes 군이 41.1%, 동정되지 않은 것이 16.1%로 나타났다. 피조개육의 Hb함량변화는, 충무산이 $1.1{\sim}2.5g/dl$, 여수산이 $1.7{\sim}4.4g/dl$로서, 년평균함량이 충무산보다 여수산이 높았다. 그러나, 총 carotnoid의 함량변화는, 충무산이 $0.80{\sim}1.28mg/100g$ (muscle), 여수산이 $0.45{\sim}0.99mg/100g$ (muscle)로서, 년평균함량이 충무산이 여수산보다 높았다. 피조개육의 구성 carotenoids중에서, pectenolone (기하함량비율 : 충무산 63.0%, 여수산 59.0%), ${\beta}-carotene$(평균함량비율 : 충무산 6.5%, 여수산 18.9%), pectenoxanthin(평균함량비율 : 충무산 9.9%, 여수산 9.1%) 그리고 diatoxanthin monoester(평균함량비율 : 충무산 11.2 %, 여수산 5.2%)등의 함량이 높게 나타났고, 특히 pectenolone 은 산란기 이전까지는 계속 증가하다가 산란기 이후 감소하며, diatoxantin monester 는 성장기중 계속 증가하며, ${\beta}-carotene$은 산란기 이전까지 감소하다가 산란기 이후에는 계속 증가하여, 피조개육색에 적접 영향을 주는 것으로 판단된다. 총지질, 중성지질 및 극성지질등의 각 지질을 구성하는 주요지방산은 양적으로, $C_{16:0},\;C_{18:1},\;C_{22:6},\;C_{20:2},\;C_{18:20},\;C_{20:5}$ 그리고 $C_{18:3}$산의 순이었다. 충무산과 여수산 피조개육의 총지질중에서, 중성지질의 함량은 극성지질의 함량보다 2배량 많았으며, 총지질과 중성지질 함량은 산란기중 에 감소하였다. 그리고 계절별 지질의 지방산조성의 변화에서도, 산란기중에는, 총지질과 중성지질의 polyene 산은 감소하고 포화산은 증가하며, 반대로 당지질과 인지질의 polyene산은 증가하고 포화산은 감소하는 양상을 보여 대조적이었다. 총지질의 sterol조성은 충무산과 여수산에서 다같이, cholesterol, campesterol, brassicasterol 및 ${\beta}-sitosterol$의 순으로 함유하며, 산란기 중에 cholesterol의 함량비율은 감소되고 campesterol 은 성장기중 3월에서 11월까지 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
